P.7 ~~ Nobody Can Be Trusted

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Starlow stayed close to Dreambert. The prince examined the bed room.
"We should check for clues." He suggested.

"Okay." Starlow nodded. They were about to sergerate,untill a creek was heard. Dreambert looked up to see a sharp object about to fall onto them.

"LOOK OUT!" Dreambert screamed. He pounced onto Starlow as a statue with sharp objects consisted in it almost fell onto them.

Starlow rose her head.
"Are you okay?" Dreambert breathed.
"Yeah,i'm fine." Starlow replied.

Dreambert helped her up. Starloe glared at the object that almost killed them. "Where did that thing come from?" She asked.

Dreambert shrugged. "I think someone's in here." He assumed quietly.  Starlow shook. The star that floated ontop of her head lowered.

"Who?" She asked.

Dreambert shrugged again. "It could be anyone...even the murder." Dreambert managed to say the last part of his scentence.

"C'mom,let's go get more evidance." Dreambert floated off. Starlow looked up,then fowards. She followed.

Dreambert checked under the sheets of the bed. He sighed,laying them back down. Dreambert glanced at Starlow,who wasn't really moving. She just stalled and looked down.


Her twisted thoughts were interrupted by the pi'llo prince. She shook her head. "Y-yes??" She sputtered.

"You okay?" Dreambert asked. Starlow nodded. "Mhm.." She replied.

Dreambert gave her a reassuring smile before moving on. Starlow nodded slightly.


Dreambert would peek into the closet to aee nothing but a bat. He looked at it,then picked it up.

"The murder totally was lurking around here." Dreambert murmured. Then his eyes widened.

All he did was fall to the floor limo,bleeding from his chest.

"I found thi--" Starlow was cut off by seeing Dreambert on them floor. She raed over to see if he was still alive.

"Dreambert?! Dreambert,you there?!" She floated around him,eyes wide. Starlow gave him a little nudge. By doing so,some blood got on her face.
But that didn't matter.

Luigi had walked in. He stared at Starlow,who didn't realize his presence.


Starlow looked up at Luigi. "W-wha?"

Luigi pointed at her. "Don't act innocent! You can't do that anymore! You murdered Dreambert! You are the murder!" He accused coldly.

Starlow shook her head. "This is all some misunderstanding! I didn't kill him!"

Luigi scowled. "Stop fooling around with me. I know you're the murder. You've killed Toad,you've killed all of them. And now you're gonna pay for it."

Luigi rose a gun and aimed it at Starlow. He smiled,then chuckled.
"Oh,you thought that silly joke was true? It's not. I'm the murder." Luigi informed.

Starlow shook,then stammered. "B-b-but w-w-why...? I was your friend...I trusted you..."

Luigi laughed. "Nobody can be trusted,Starlow. Friendships never exsist. Oh,and you? I hated you. You would've been my first target if everybody hadn't been so annoying."

Hr reloaded the gun.

"Luigi,don't do this..." Starlow begged,tears welling her eyes.

"Sorry,Chippy,that's how life goes. You live....or you die."

He pulled the trigger and shot Starlow right at the head. The star sprite fell limo on the floor,mostly in Dreambert's pool of blood.

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