Part 12

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Garland picked at the Greek salad in front of her and stretched her legs out beneath the table. The shopping expedition had gone on for longer than expected and she missed Seth. By the time the girls had finished looking through every rack on the main street, darkness had begun to set in, and after some deliberation they decided to have dinner in a nice restaurant on the busy and well-lit waterfront. The males could fend for themselves for one night; David was out as well, probably at the pub. Garland was sure a beer or two is justified when you’re watching your son die.

“Okay, let’s have a d-and-m. Why did you guys come along?” Matilda asked and sipped her glass of wine. She was underage, but at the same time she had a natural charm that could make young barmen forget to ask for ID. Doubtless, if they ever asked, the ID they would receive would be fake anyway.

“To say goodbye to Jack, of course. To help make his last few weeks as good as possible.” Garland answered offhandedly and speared a small black olive with her fork.

“We both know that’s not it.” Mattie argued.

There was silence at the table as Garland looked out to the waves. Skylar stayed wordless for a moment, the empty plate in front of her stained with balsamic vinegar from her bruschetta. She seemed to be formulating an answer, so Garland didn’t speak.

 “I came to get away from my family.” Skylar said with a self-conscious laugh.

Garland and Matilda looked to her questioningly.

“My dad, he’s fine I guess. Kind of weak. My mother though…” She shook her head. “She’s into drugs and alcohol and her favourite hobbies include beating up Dad and I when she’s maggoted.”


“I’m sorry.” Matilda said.

“S’all good. I guess I’m used to it.”

Scraping forks.

“I guess I came for Seth, mainly. Jack has been his best friend since ever. They’ve been brothers. Of course I’m here for Jack as well; but mostly I am here for Seth. I can’t imagine how hard it must be for him.” Garland checked her phone for a message from Seth.

(3)   Messages Received from: Seth

Message 1:

What’s a beautiful girl like you doing in a shitty old phone like mine?

Message 2:

For real though, miss you big time babe. Come back to meeeeeee

Message 3:


With a quiet smile Garland locked her phone and slipped it back into her jeans pocket.

“Poor Seth.” Skylar said.

“Poor Jack.”


 “Boys? We’re home!” Garland yelled and shouldered the door open, hands weighed down with bags of shopping. Three faces peered innocently from the couch, cheeks bulging. Some kind of shooting game flashed on the widescreen TV in front of the boys and various junk foods littered the floor. Heavy metal blared from somewhere. Garland winced; growling bearded men was so not her thing. Ghost sprinted from the man-nest and slid across the floorboards, landing in a white bundle at Garland’s feet. She picked him up, giggling, and pressed her face into his thick white fur.

Jack got to his feet awkwardly, pausing the game with his remote controller. The music stopped momentarily after. He hobbled towards the girls and embraced Skylar, shooting Matilda a questioning look over the clueless girl’s shoulder. Garland watched as Mattie winked and rustled the bag hidden up the front of her shirt quietly. Jack smirked and kissed Skylar quickly. He linked his elbow into hers and led her outside. Matilda assessed her options and followed them awkwardly.

When they were gone Garland put her bags down and crawled onto the wide couch, taking Jack’s former spot and snuggling up to Seth. The couch was covered in a black velvety material, the kind that changes shade when you brush it in different directions. The deep black was probably hiding lots of stains from previous tenants. Garland tried to ignore that fact.

“Did you buy anything nice?” Seth asked her and wrapped a warm arm around her shoulders. She closed her eyes and smelled his familiar boyish odour.

“Just some bangles and stuff, nothing drastic. I got a nice dress though, and Mattie and I bought one for Skylar too. She just doesn’t know it yet.” Garland said coyly. Seth gestured to look at what she had bought. Garland leaned forward and picked up the bag, depositing its contents in his hands. A new lacy green dress and a number of different bracelets, varying from hand painted wooden bangles to braided leather. Trying to hide his typical male disinterest, he nodded appreciatively and slipped them back into the plastic bag.

“That’s so nice of you to do that for Skylar. You’re so sweet.” Seth pressed his face into Garland’s hair affectionately and kissed her neck. She giggled and put her hands in his hair, pulling him closer. Seth’s fingertips slipped under the thin fabric of her tie-dyed button-up shirt and brushed her ribs gently. She moved her weight from the couch to his lap and kissed him.

“I’m right here, guys.” Kyle laughed and took a handful of salt and vinegar potato chips, crunching them loudly and spraying crumbs over the couple

“Enjoy the show.” Seth pushed him to the side and turned his attention back to Garland as his hands felt over the familiar curve of her waist.

“I’m out. Don’t get pregnant and don’t ruin the kid’s innocence.” Kyle patted Ghost, took the bag of chips and then clumped upstairs. Once Ghost realised he wouldn’t get any attention for a while the puppy followed Kyle.

Seth laughed in the hollow of Garland’s neck and began to kiss her again. Her heart rate increased and she prayed silently that he couldn’t feel it. She gathered her thoughts.

Garland let him continue for a few moments before speaking up.

“I wish you didn’t have to do this.” She whispered.

“This?” Seth asked, sounding a little hurt as he pulled away and looked at her with concern.

“No, no. All this. We girls were talking about it when we went out.Garland gestured to the house around them and the general direction of where Jack had gone.

“Hmm…” His hands went still on her waist.

“I know how good friends you two are. It must hurt so much…”

Seth looked down and when he turned his face back up Garland there were tears shining in his eyes.

“He’s been my brother since before we could walk and now I’m watching him die and I can’t do a fucking thing about it all other than keep silently observing. It fucking sucks.” Seth’s husky voice trembled and almost broke.

His hands began moving again, this time to the buttons on Garland’s shirt. She pressed her forehead against his and let him.

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