Part 21

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I’m not sure what to say in a letter to you; I’ve known you since primary school, and I know that you would do anything for me. I hope you know that I would do the same.

You are the steady beating heart of this strange little group and I have always admired the way you embrace yourself for the person you are, and that you don’t waste time with people that don’t feel the same way towards you. I wish I had known how to do the same. Keep on doing that.

Don’t stress too much about the rest of your academic life. I know you’ll be worrying about your final examination marks, but don’t. Honestly. From a dying boy to a girl with her whole life ahead of her, I can confirm that I am not glad of the time I spent stressing over how to make money.

Just live.

No time spent enjoyed is wasted.

You’ll find your way.

Be happy.

Love always,


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