Part 19

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I feel that in this short letter I must sum up the most tumultuous and opposing emotions I have ever experienced in my relatively brief experience of life; for without your actions, I would not have met Skylar and felt truly content, and yet you hurt her. I’d shower you with compliments, but I’m dying, so I must be frank.

You’ve always been a mate to me, and I’m grateful for that. My memories with you have been mostly positive, and you remind me that everyone is human.

On the topic of Skylar, I remain deeply grateful to you that you brought her here with you. Her presence in the last memories of my life seems very fitting, and it is you that made it all possible. So thank you for that.

In hindsight now, I would berate you for your actions against her, but that would be incredibly hypocritical. By writing this, by dying, by leaving her, I am causing much deeper scars than you ever have.

So I leave you with this:

You are strong. You are human.

Look after the others.

Thank you Kyle.

If there’s somewhere after this life, I will meet you there; and if not I’ll just haunt the shit out of you. Har-har. Brace yourself biatch.


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