Part 23

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By the time you read this, I will be dead

(Sorry, I wanted to include that line just once)


I want you to remember that when I’m gone, wherever it is that I go, I have always considered you as a brother. Since childhood we played together and you stayed by my side through all the years. After my diagnosis you never faltered to support and help me, and I am so grateful.

Now for some of my favourite memories;

Do you remember the old lady down the bottom of your street who had the cat without ears? We would take turns trying to flick peas into the holes left behind from the amputation surgery. God, we could’ve hurt it so bad. I hope we didn’t. As far as I know, nobody got a bullseye (??)

That time I walked in on you and Garland on MY bed and you let me call you Tiny for a whole month in return of me not telling anyone what you were doing exactly (I kept my promise)

When I got you drunk for the first time and you vomited all over your parents whilst trying to explain that you didn’t have that much.

I’ll always be with you bro, looking down on you from wherever I am, calling you Tiny and sending good hippie vibes. I hope my Candy Crush high score is high enough for you to never beat it, but if you do, I forgive you.

Love life man.

Spend more time doing what you love and less time worrying about what you can’t do.

Surf now, work later.

I love you



Jack's Last SummerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora