Chapter 11: Micheal vs Leprechaun

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No one's POV

Michael attacked first. He charged at the leprechaun, but the leprechaun teleported away causing Michael to run into a tree. But Michael was durable enough to take it. Michael punched the tree in anger causing the tree to fall. The leprechaun was impressed, not even he was that strong. Michael broke a piece of the tree off and threw it like a spear at the leprechaun, but the leprechaun caught it. The leprechaun the used his magic and spawned an anvil above Michael's head. The anvil came crashing on Michael's head, but only did little amount of damage. Michael was now pissed off. He charged again but the leprechaun teleported behind him, but Michael was quick enough to swing around, grab the leprechaun and choke slam him on the ground. The leprechaun moaned in pain. Michael then stomped on the leprechaun. The leprechaun was pissed off and used his magic to set the ground under Michael on fire. Michael was suddenly backing off. The leprechaun laughed, only to get a knife thrown at him. He yelled in pain and pulled it out. Suddenly Michael came running threw the flames and the leprechaun didn't react quick enough to avoid this. Michael quickly picked up the leprechaun and threw him into a tree. The leprechaun, now badly hurt, was suddenly shocked. He was holding back, but never has someone overpower this much he could do. The leprechaun decided to take it up a notch. He proceeded to set Michael on fire, when suddenly Michael shoved his knife down the leprechaun's stomach. The leprechaun quickly tried to teleport away, but because he and Michael were in physical contact, Michael was teleported too. The leprechaun had teleported into public unfortunately. When people saw Michael, they all screamed and ran. Michael knew the cops were already on their way, he needed to finish this. Suddenly Michael was hit on the head with a sledgehammer. Michael look and saw the leprechaun with a sledgehammer in his hands. Before Michael could react, the leprechaun hit Michael as hard as he could knocking him out. The leprechaun was about to deliver the final strike when the noise of sirens were heard. The leprechaun looked the way the sirens were coming from, then looked at Michael's unconscious body. When the police arrived, they quickly exited there vehicles, only to find that Michael and the leprechaun were gone. 

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