15- Plane Tickets

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Sarah drove home. She left the music out of the drive so she could think better. Chicago was starting to feel like she wasn't meant to be there. Sure, the hospital was wonderful. Who wouldn't like helping people..? 

After she parked in her driveway, She walked in her house and sat the keys down on the table. Sarah walked over to where her laptop was sitting on the desk. Reluctantly, she started to look up places to go where people were in need medically. Deep down she knew, the sadness and the feeling floating through her were from the stress of seeing someone die, but she didn't care. Sarah just wanted to get away.

She found in her research that there was some places in Africa that had a program for medical students to go help the people. After a few hours of looking up all of the information for the trip, all the way down to the plane tickets, she made up her mind. She didn't know how she was going to tell Connor. Looking at the clock, she knew he would be home soon. 

Sarah got up and got her keys. She had twenty minutes to go get money from the bank.

Fifteen minutes later

Sarah just had gotten settled back in at home when Connor parked outside. He walked inside and looked for her, "Hey. Babe. I'm home." He said as he hung his coat up. "I'm over here," Sarah said, she was at her desk beside the couch on her lap top. "What are you doing?" Sarah didn't respond. "Are you okay?" Sarah turned around in her office chair and looked at him as he sat down on the couch, "We need to talk." Connor nodded, "Okay? About?" Sarah sighed, "I'm going to Africa." 

Connors eyes met Sarah's brown eyes. "That should be a fun trip. When are you coming back? Do you want me to go with you?" Sarah shook her head, "You don't get it.. I'm going to Africa to help people who don't have access to medical treatment.." Connors body language started to change. He shifted a little before looking back at her, "You mean like this is something that you've already set your mind to??" Sarah nodded. She could tell Connor was started to get mad and upset, "Connor, I'm sorry but I have to go." 

"No. You don't have to do anything. You could have brought it up. You leaving everything behind and for what??" There was a pause, "For PTSD, Becuase that can be treated, Sarah. We were just started our lives together and now you are going to take the chance to rip it apart this early?" Sarah was started to feel like she could cry, "Connor, I Lov-" "No. Stop. I don't want to hear it. When do you leave?" He asked as he stood up, his hands went to his hips. He looked angry. "Tomorrow." Connor shook his head before turning around and silently walking over to his room to go to bed.

Sarah stayed up to pack a small suit case.

Sarah was gone when Connor woke up the next morning.


It physically hurt me to write this.. I could cry but we will surge on!! :( This book will get happier. I promise. The next chapter might be a little sad as well but I promise there will be happy Rheese again..

Also, I wrote to Let Her Go by Passenger and IT WORKED! IT SET THE TONE FOR THIS CHAPTER :O SO SAD ....

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