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Our summer vacation in LA came to an end and my ass is not ready to go back to school. This was going to be our first year in college which meant strict professors, more work, longer school hours, and less and less hours of sleep. How can college life get any worse?

We finally landed and it was so busy. This is why I hate airports. There's so many checkpoints where you have to go through not to mention the long lines. I hate these long lines, they take forever and a day to die down. As soon as we got all of our belongings we made our way down the escalator. The airport was jammed packed. There were so many people.

Hmmm, they must be really excited to see their family members.

"Ahhh, home sweet home," Audrey said taking a deep breath.

Suddenly, we heard loud screams coming from the crowd. In that little moment every empty space was covered up. More and more people came in the scene. Then, cameras started flashing.

"Fans, go figure," I said.

"OMG, guys I didn't know we had fans waiting for us," Faith said while she started posing for the camera.

"It's cuz I'm supper popular nowadays," Sky said posing with Faith.

"Aha! Bitch you wish, it's me they came for," Deidra added in on the fun. "They love me more. They just can't get enough of the 'Amazing Deidra.'"

"Amazing? Aha! In your dreams heffa. Move aside, they came for the queen bitch," Audrey said while posing fiercely for the camera.

Faith, Sky, and Deidra eyed each other and started dying.

"Bitch please," they said simultaneously.

Audrey started laughing so she rolled her eyes at them. But I was trying to figure what fandom they were from until I looked behind us and saw Monsta X. Audrey kept laughing at the idiots. I facepalmed myself.

The shit I deal with.

"Violet smile for the camera!" Sky called out to me.

"Eh stupid. They're not here for your dumbasses. They here for them," I said pointing behind me.

They all looked behind me. And as soon as they saw Monsta X Sky, Faith, and Deidra ran down the escalator so fast that they almost ate shit.

Wth what's wrong with them?

Audrey and I looked at each other confused.

"What happened?" Audrey asked.

"I don't know, but them running is hilarious," I chuckled.

"Let's go after them," Audrey said.

"Wait hold up, lemme get my phone so I could record this. I can't believe those fatasses are running."

"You fucked up," Audrey said laughing.

"What? This is something rare and it needs to be recorded for memories," I told her. Before I could take my phone out Audrey started running.

"I'm going after them!" She yelled.

"Bitch wait up!" I yelled back.

And with that I ran down the escalator to catch up to them but it was hard getting passed these fans. There were so many of them and a lot with no manners. They were pushing and shoving people. I would looooove to discipline all of them. They were pissing me off.

"YAAAAAAAHH!!!" I yelled at them.

"Aishhhh," a girl in front of me said.

"Aish? Aish? Bitch you finna see Jesus tahdayyyy!" I dropped by bags getting ready to whoop her ass, but was caught off guard when someone grabbed my hand.

"Let's go," Audrey said. "We don't have time for that. Faith, Sky, and Deidra got themselves in some shit. We need to help them."

Wtf! What did we miss?

I was curious to see what had happened so I grabbed my bags and ran after Audrey. As soon as we got there Sky was on top of a girl constantly punching her in the face while Deidra had taken on two girls. I looked around for Faith and she was sitting on top of three girls ,who were stacked on top of each other, with her legs crossed. She had her notebook out and from the looks of it she was doodling the scene.

This girl.

"Enjoying the show? Anyone else wanna join?" She smiled like this was something fun. "C'mon the more people the better." And with that, another girl shot at her but Audrey caught her just in time to get dropped. She was now on the ground struggling to get back up.

"Ooh, nice one. Now could you reenact that so I could draw it," Faith said. Faith is good at art but this is not the time for her dumbass to be drawing.

"Faith what are you doing? You should be helping them!" I yelled at her.

"I am," she said. "I'm making sure these guys don't get away."

Stupid idiot

I felt bad for the girls she was sitting on. Their bones must be crushing because Faith is heavy. Then I felt a big blow from behind causing me to fall forward.

"Fucken shit!" I yelled.

I immediately got up but somebody had whacked me with their bag. I turned around to catch the bag flying straight at me.


Soon after, the girl charged at me. I quickly kicked her in the guts. She was now on her knees in excruciating pain as if holding her stomach would make it go away. I wasn't finished with her so I grabbed her by her hair and slammed her pretty face on the ground.

"Don't fuck with me bitch," with that I spat in her face and left.

As I turned around, more people were involved. People were now fighting each other. I was completely shocked. It was like watching animals go at it just for food. This was worse than the zoo, hell it was even worse than the wild. This was getting way out of hand. This is chaos. I didn't even know what caused this. It was probably Sky, that girl is always starting shit. Suddenly, we heard whistles blowing and we all froze.

"AWHHHHHH SHIIIT!" Faith yelled.

"Security," Sky said giving the girl one last punch.

"RUN!!" Deidra yelled.

With that we grabbed our bags and made a run for it. Hell, everyone was trying to make a fun for it. But others were still going at it. Luckily we called for rides before we landed. As soon as we got outside our rides were parked neatly one after the other. Faith and Sky took off first, followed by Deidra, next Audrey, and then me.

That was one hell of a fight.


Author's Note:
LMAO I can't with this chapter 🤦‍♀️😂😂 anyway this one's for eyesonluluuuu 😂😂

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