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That Jooheon guy got some nerve.

Oh well, he deserves what's coming.

I knew what was gonna happen next. I mean anyone can predict what happens next. I zipped my backpack open and got my sketchbook out. Shoot you gotta be prepared for these kind of things. That airport incident was a good one. It took me two days to finish it, just adding all the details and stuff took me a whole day. The airport drawing was one of my favorites. That scene was sick.

"YAAAHHHH!!" I heard Jooheon scream.

Deidra had his hands locked behind his back pinning his face on the table. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Don't ever come near me," she was furious. "Dont you know to give a girl her space."

That only made me laugh more. I couldn't help but laugh at the sight of Jooheon being handled by a girl.

"What the fuck are you laughing at? We need to stop her before this gets out of hand!" Audrey yelled at me.

I thought I was the only one laughing until I saw Sky dying on the other side of Audrey.

Great minds think alike.

Deidra smacked the back of his head making him wince. I quickly opened my sketchbook and started doodling. There was no way in hell that I was going to help them. I mean it's not that I don't wanna help them but it's the fact that this would a very good scene to sketch. I always sketched when it was something interesting or eye catching and this was beyond that. Especially because it involves famous kpop idols. Somebody has to have proof of what went down right?

I looked to my right and Sky was still dying. This girl is mental.

"Aikae!" Violet yelled at Sky. "Quit laughing and help out."

She looked at me and said, "You too."

Whatever she said next went from one ear out the other because I plugged my earphones in blasting Cardi B's Drip and started drawing.

Violet and Audrey headed towards Deidra. I could they were trying to calm her down. Deidra was furious at Jooheon.

Looking to my side Sky was still dying at them.

This girl 🤦‍♀️

She came and sat next to me pulling my left earphone and plugged it in her ear.

"Aye," she bobbed her head.
"Came through drippin' (drip drip)
Came through drippin' (drip drip)
Came through drippin' (drip drip)
Diamonds on my wrist, they drippin' (ice)"

"Oh here we go again," she said looking at my drawing. "Why don't you draw me instead, I'm much more appealing than that."

"Sorry, I don't have space for ugly creatures," I kept my eyes on the paper. I felt her glaring at me.

Oh if looks could kill.

Drawing fighting scenes were the best. The girls have always looked through my drawings. They always complain about how I never have a drawing of them or a drawing of the squad. Little do they know they haven't seen all of my sketchbooks. I keep a separate sketchbook for the squad. I have drawings of the squad since middle school. I like to keep them for memories. I've never shown them the drawings but I plan to. Just not now.

I suddenly felt my earphones yanked out of my ear as Sky got up and ran. I was shocked at her sudden movement. I looked up to see Violet, Deidra, and Audrey fighting other girls.

Umm last time I checked they were supposed to stop the fight not escalate it.

More girls got involved.

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