SKYLAR: First Day

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"Bye mom!" I yelled running out the door. Deidra had been waiting for me outside.

"Took you long enough," she said as I entered the car.

"Sorry," I replied.

"We still have to pick the others up," she sighed.

"I thought they were coming in their own cars."

"No, everyone's to lazy to drive," she rolled her eyes.

"Well then let's go pick those heffas up." For some reason I was excited to pick them up. I was in a good mood. I'm usually grumpy in the mornings. It doesn't even feel like we're going to school. Today feels like any other day, maybe because we're picking the rest of the squad up.

Our first stop was Violet, then Faith, and lastly Audrey.

"Ughhh, what took y'all so long?" Audrey complained.

"Heffalump here was taking her sweet time like we ain't got somewhere to be," Deidra eyed Violet.

"Ehhh, I was in the middle of taking a shit," Violet said fixing her hair. "I wasn't even done and y'all rushed me."

"You couldn't suck yo shit back in?" Audrey fired back.

"Shut up! Nobody wants here about your shit. It's too early for that," Faith said rolling her window down.

"For real," Sky and Deidra agreed.

In about thirty minutes we finally got to school. Finding parking was a bitch. We had to circle around the lot for what felt like a the hundredth time until Deidra got tired of circling. Maybe if we had arrived a little early we would probably found one and now here we are parked in front of the nearest restaurant. The walk from here is ten minutes and my ass is already late for my first class.

"Have you guys decided on your major?" Audrey asked.

"Duh," we said simultaneously.

"Well geez I was just asking," Audrey said feeling attacked.

We've always known what we wanted to do in the future. Everyone was good at something. Actually, I use to struggle with what I wanted to do. I didn't know what I wanted to do, what I wanted to become until the girls helped me. They told me I was very good at acting every time I pulled a prank on them. I took acting into consideration, but I keep having second thoughts about it. I guess I'm just not that confident in acting, maybe because I haven't actually challenged myself.

Audrey was passionate about singing. She's been taught her whole life. She even competed in singing competitions out of school and won various awards. She never competed in school. She said she wanted to give others a shot at winning. She could become a famous singer without going to college if she wanted to. But I guess we were her reason for going. She said she didn't want to make it big just yet. She wanted to properly educate herself before taking that big of a step. She said she was waiting for the "right time." Whatever that meant.

Faith is good at visual art. She had been taught by her brothers. She would always talk about them and how much they influenced her to draw, but none of us had ever met them. Whoever they were, they were good teachers. I remembered how she won studio art competitions back in middle school and all throughout high school. One time we had history together and instead of paying attention homegirl was sketching the whole class while the teacher was lecturing. And that my friend, earned her detention. She doodles on all her class work which the teachers deducted points from. She is indeed a great artist.

Violet was the prettiest out of the squad. She was the most fit, a lean body that would pull all men species. That girl can eat and never get fat. That being said, she is set on becoming a fashion model. Even though no formal education credential is needed for becoming a model, Violet still wanted to attend college. She said an educated model is the best model to be, who would wanna stay ignorant when there's so much to learn? I'm not gonna say she's my role model but ehhh you know what I mean, it's a sister thing. I know she'll do good because a forehead that big can store a bunch of knowledge, right?

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