Sometime Later Continued....

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Oh my babies we have to go back. They might miss me, we don't even know those people, OH MY GOD Lucian turn around now my babies might be in danger.

Lucian don't listen keep going or I 'may be late, papas just drained and tired, he should of never came with us.

Uhhhhh Lucian when was the last time papa ate?

Just last evening said Lucian looking at her threw the review mirror.

Papa are you all right? I asked him as he tracked my movements, I glanced up at Lucien when I felt the car swerve, he was staring at us, I had a sinking feeling my expression matched his completely as I looked back to papa, I noticed he got closer.

the car swerved again , uh Lucian I don't want to distract you or anything but could you please concentrate at the task at hand, of keeping us alive so could you please focus on the road. She said as she turned to the other man on the vehicle

Emile will you please calm down, she tried not to make any sudden movements

So Lucian you wouldn't by any chance have anything to placate him would you.

If i do it should be in the cooler miss.

Oh great she thought, how the hell am I supposed to get to the middle of the car without setting him off.

"now papa, it's okay stay calm" she said moving slowly I'm just going to the cooler, that's it calm stay calm, just then the car swerved and snow slammed into the cooler breaking a couple champagne flutes, couple seconds later she felt the car jerk again and she landed in the broken glass. 

Just as she was going to yell at Lucian, she saw a sudden flash just then she smelled it even before she finished processing that thought, someone slammed into her, pinning her down on the ground. before she could figure out what happened, Emile was on top of her. Running on pure fear and instinct she struggled and screamed against him trying to pry him off.

she felt an explosion of sharp pain, a few seconds later everything went foggy and she felt like she was floating, all she could hear is humming then the humming turned into words she couldn't decipher, a few heart beats later she hears Lucian telling her to still and stay calm, that's when she realized she was still fighting. so she let out a shaky breath and went completely still and calm, just as she went calm she recalled everything.

So she wrapped my arms around him and made soothing gestures the same ones she uses to placate the quadruplets, she repeated the gestures an soon he relaxed and calmed down into her. so she kept at it until she felt him realize a few seconds later she heard him breath in once twice and then nothing he went completely still.

Miss are you all right?

Yah Lucian I'm fine she said pushing Emile off of her and onto the seat. But you know Lucian you should really work on your driving and your drifting needs a little more work she teased as she pushed her self-off the ground and winced at the pain that shot up her arm.

Sorry about that, but don't worry I have lessons later so next time it'll go smoother, he said looking at her threw the review mirror.

S'okay and hah who says ima be in the car next time, I aint got no death wish ..... yet! She humphed as she pulled out shards of glass from her flesh.

No fun he said with a pout, what happened with the adventures risk taking you?

Hey I still have it I just learned to be a bit more cautious, she leaned into the front of the car.

You cautious ha that'll be the day you should fix that he says as he takes her arm to inspect it.

Ey eyes on the road know it all and nah I was just thinking to let my self-go through the painful process of having it heal over the embedded shards of glass rather than removing it first , it's too much of a hassle any other way she said removing the last pieces of glass.

Well arn't we a bit cranky, and here I was going to offer to heal it for you, said Lucian as he stopped at a red light.

Did you take all the glass out, he said putting the wound against his lips.

I'm pretty sure she said as she winced as his lips moved against her forearm.

As his lips moved against her forearm he felt a shard of glass so he grasped her arm more firmly to his mouth and bit into the wound trying to remove the shard, he could feel her jerk back so he tightened his grip making it impossible to yank free.

Snow? I can't reach your forearm he said spitting out the piece.

Since he wasn't letting go of her arm she moved closer to him wrapping both arms around the front of him giving him better reach of her forearm. As he started working on her arm, she surveyed the damage from her father's attack and it wasn't pretty. As she refocused on Lucian she felt him remove several pieces of glass from her arm with his teeth and each time he did she jerked away.

As he finished up healing her left arm he started right away on her right licking and clearing away the glass from her hand to her wrist, thankfully her wound wasn't to massive.

Okay so we have some good news and some bad what do you want to hear first.

I don't care Lucian.

Good news is all the glass is out and none of it hit anything vital so you're going to heal fine.

Okay so what's the bad news, she asked.

Bad news is you're not healing fast enough so were going to have to wrap both your arms for a while. It seems from Emiles attack to you bleeding out on the floor plus you (feeding) the little ones you don't have enough blood or energy to heal as fast as you normally would, so instead of the thirty minute to the hour it'll usually take you, it'll take about four or five hours to heal completely unless you replace what you've lost.

Seriously Lucien were do you think I'll be able to get it from she asked him

What you need should be in the bars ice box.

Uuuuh about that she said fidgeting with her hands, he just rose a brow at her signaling to continue, good news it seems all the blood back here ain't mine, bad news It seems all the blood back here ain't mine, it seems that when the glasses broke it took the provisions with them.

He contemplated this as the approached a large building


Yah she asked.

Not to alarm you or anything but were pulling up now.

WHAT! She said. Shit! I totally forgot, fuck and papas out cold ugh everythings going wrong!

Miss calm down everything going to be okay he said as he pulled up and parked on the curb of the building.

Lucian what are you doing you can't park here she said freaking out a bit.

Don't worry miss the emblems on the car make it so I can park anywhere I choose he said turning to the young girl.

 Now give me your wrists so I can finish. 

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