lobby pt.3 Remember

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 So what do you think Rawlins?

I think your right miss, I don't think he'll remember but if he does the question is how much do we tell or deny.

Deny it all

But?... he

But nothing she said cutting him off. We're going to treat this as nothing and besides he's not going to believe what he saw, he's either going to deny or rationalize it.

how do you know this? He asked as he stood and paced the room.

Because he's human she said from behind the desk, as she spoke he stopped and looked at her as if she's grown a second head.

Don't give me that look she said, you should know better than I do, since you've lived way longer than I have she pointed out to him. No human in their right mind would believe in what they saw. So he'll probably deny it as reality which will leave him to rationalize it as a delusion caused by him passing out and hitting his head.

Hum he said as he sat on the front of the desk, you may be right.

Humph I know I'm right she said as she propped he feet on the desk.

You know this doesn't excuse you from your actions earlier right, He said looking over at her.

Yes I know sir, she said standing from behind the desk, but if theres any consolation it wasn't completely my fault she finished saying as she _stalked?_ over to him.

Hah I almost believed you not quite though, you should say it with more convection next time, and hopefully I'll believe it then but now no he said with a smug like look on his face.

You know she said getting closer and closer to him, you really shouldn't take that tone with me. She said invading his personal space ever so.

Miss you say you don't like my tone of voice, but you should really curve yours he said taking a step towards her. Cause if you may recall, here your just a student and I'm your principal so show a little decorum.

As he said this she couldn't help but fell demonic as her casual smirk turned into a twisted sneer, she closed the distance between them. If he saw the changes in her he didn't show it, he still had that superior look on his face.

She couldn't help but fell all giddy inside as she saw the absent of fear in his eyes, he was either really brave or insanely stupid for having/keeping that superior look on his face.

Remember your place peon , she said as she stared him down. In this place in which you believe to think you are superior..... is all but lies.

As she said this he finally noticed/acknowledged the changes in her. In what was once a normal teenager's expression was now a feral deadly beast.

In the real and deadly world from which you and I come, you are nothing more than one of my mother's pets, an expendable piece in this game we call life.

At her words fear finally flashed in his eyes, and so she said leaning in close, next time you try to intimidate me and/or piss me off.... Mamas gunna be missing a pet but Sin & Vane well have a new toy and I have a feeling you'll last quite a long while.

After a long uncomfortable silence (well uncomfortable for him), he broke the silence. Understood so since were done here why don't' we check on the human.

As she stepped away from him and out of the room he couldn't help but let out a breath that he didn't know he was holding in.


As he watched her approach he couldn't help but feel that something was wrong.

Lucius didn't I tell you to watch him, not help him out of the sick bay she said giving them both looks.

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