LOBBY pt.2

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For some reason he felt compelled by this girl there was just something about her he'll admit he checked her out as she "fixed" Ms. b. as he did he noticed she had long hair he didn't know exactly how long since it was up but he could tell it was long and thick, she was also very curvy she had a slim waist and a nice ass he thought to himself a very nice ass and long legs she seemed a bit shorter than him but not by much. He felt himself move towards her until he was right behind her....

You know you shouldn't stand so close, some people would consider it rude.

Yeah some people would but not you he said to her.

She turned to face him and why do you presume I don't, she looking up at him through lowered lashes.

He placed his hands on her waist, I don't see you running nor have you slapped me, so I'll take that as a good sign.

Well what can I say, you peeked my curiosity. At that he rose an eyebrow at her, I'm curious to see what you'll do next she said reaching up to caress his cheek.

He leaned into her touch, you have very beautiful eyes he heard himself say, he couldn't tell what color they were as he stared at the vortex of color that swam within them.

All the better to see you with she responded.

he was startled he didn't think he said the last part out loud, as she spoke he looked down at her lips and they  are very sensuous, i should kiss you he thought.

All the better to taste you with she responded again which startled him but soon he realized he spoke his thoughts, he took his hands away from her hips and wrapped his arms around her instead leaning in to kiss her.

What was supposed to be a sweet innocent kiss turned into a heady one, he ran his tongue along her bottom lip asking for entrance, she smirked giving it to him as there tongues played for dominance, She pulled away and bit his bottom lip forcefully he might add. After a few more seconds of there make out session, he pulled away.

My what sharp teeth you have he said running his tongue along his bottom lip.

She couldn't help but smile at his words as she placed tiny kisses along his jaw bone and down his neck. She kissed and licked his collar bone which had him groaning before she could tease him some more, someone tore the boy out of her embrace.

All the better to eat you with she heard a familiar voice say, she whirled around to see Lucius, as she tried to work threw her confusion on what just happened she saw him drop the boy and leaned against the wall. As soon as she saw that smirk play on his lips she tore towards him confusion forgotten.

As He dropped the boy and leaned against the wall he started counting.... Four she works threw her confusion .... Three she turns to him.... Two she looks at him and glairs ..... one she attacks him.

Damn it Lucius  you tortures basterd she yelled at him as he pinned her to the wall. He was mine she said, struggling against him. As her struggles lessened and her angered yells turned to sobs he heard her say, you had no right no right at all.

On the contrary miss he responded I had all the right.

Like hell you did she said sending him daggers.

Now now miss, calm the boys about to wake and you wouldn't want him to see you sooo....

That's it she thought before he could finish she attacked him, ah so predictable he thought as he chuckled to himself, he relaxed as she lapped at his neck.

One minute he's lecturing me the next I attack him she let out a slow silent sigh as he bared himself to me I wrapped my fingers in his hair nuzzling into him but as I heard him chuckle I tug on his hair hard yanking his head to the side baring his neck further.

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