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Okay before I show you around is it cool if I go drop these off he asked her motioning to the copies in his hand.

Yah its cool she said looking up at him

Alright well he said looking at her schedule, it seems we not only have gym together but but also second hour algebra

Oh really she said looking at her own copy.

As they walked up a flight of stairs she looked over at him, so how's your head she asked him.

Its fine he said finally looking over at her

Oh that's good to hear then she said as the reached the class room.

So here it is Ms. Wearlings class

As he knocked she couldn't help feel nervous

You nervous he asked , he could see her figiting

A little she replied.

Don't be he said trying to reassure her you'll like her she's cool.

Okay, its just been a while she mummerd.

Before he could asker what she meant the door opened.


Ah so you finally decided to grace us with your presence sir RJ said a really tall glasses wearing brunette.

Ay lady Wearling it is I, I have retuned from my long journey with significant news. The quest thout has sent me on was a baring success , I come baring copies he said handing her the papers.

Ah sir RJ what fruitfull news but that's not all thout has brought us.

Nay my lady I has also brought you a freash mind he said leading her towards the front of the class.

A virgin mind you say.

Ay my lady a fresh mind .... From a maiden he said as they all turned to look at her.

Ahh young maiden will you be ever so kind grace/bless us with your name?

Ai my lady she said somehow getting sucked into the nonsense. "my names is Dulcia Parva Venetor Ezzelin." And I come to you from a far off land, from which my father is Earl.

So you come from a earldom my dear.

I do my lady.

As Ms. Wearling and Dulcia talked, RJ couldn't help but be impressed by her, as she quickly caught on and played into the teachers fantasy.

So what do you come in search of lady Dulcia, for if its of gold and richess you will find none here.

Nay my lady Were-ling I come seeking word the words of knowledge.

Ah if it words of knowledge you seek, I have lots of such to teach. So tell me girl is that all you came for.

Nay my lady I have also come in search of a consort/mate.

As she said this he turned to look at her, she gave him a mischievous/playful look.

If it's a consort your in search of it seems to me you already found him she said looking at the two and then at her watch.

Ah sir RJ and lady Dulcia would you two please kindly. take your seats the time of knowledge is soon upon us. Dulcia you can sit anywhere its open she said to the girl.

Nay my lady said R.J. I have only come for my sword and shield he said picking up his pen a notebook. For I have to go upon a most freighting quest.

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