Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Final Dawn

{Chapter 1}

Cloverkit blinked sleepily as she heard Jaywing appointing the patrols. One day, I'll be on one, patroling and hunting for my Clan!

She looked at her mother as she touched her with her tail. "You can go out and play now, Cloverkit," mewed Nightsky. "but be carful! Tripping over the Great Tree is easy and painful! You could twist your paw!"

Cloverkit rolled her eyes but she knew she should be carful. She was only three moons and only just starting to eat prey. "Ok, Mom!"

As she hurried out, she knocked right into Foxkit. "Hey, Cloverkit!"


A snort came from behind her. "Wow, no wonder we get our ceremonies today!" meowed a red colored tom, "You can't even see in front of your own paws!"

Foxkit hissed. "Be quiet, Firekit! Just because we're going to be apprentices doesn't mean we're that cool!" Firekit rolled his eyes and Foxkit snorted back.

Cloverkit looked at her brother, Darkkit,  as he padded up. "Hey, guys, don't fight." Firekit just snorted. "You only got each other while I have two sisters.." He trailed off when Jaywing came over.

"Very nice, Darkkit. That sounded like a leader speech," Firekit just snorted again while Darkkit poofed out his chest in pride. "But you still have a long way to go before you get even close." She winked at him and padded away.

"Did you hear that?" asked Darkkit. "She said I could be leader!"

"No, she didn't," mewed Firekit. "She said that sounded like a leader speech! It wasn't even a one!"

"Well maybe you should learn where your tail goes, fox dung!" At the last moment, she realized she said that to load.

"Cloverkit! You're in so much trouble, young kit!" scolded her dad, Bluemoon. "You know better than that!" Her ears dropped and she thought she heard her heart break. "Get in your nest right now and don't come out till I say so!"

"Yes, Dad.." Cloverkit whispered and she headed for her nest, her tail dragging behind.

She heard Spiritstar's call for a meeting but knew better than to go. I was just trying to protect my brother and now I'm missing my first ceremony! Could today get any worse? Just then, she heard the end of the meeting. So quickly, surprising.. She sat up in her nest.

"You can get up now, Cloverkit. Spiritstar wants you." Bluemoon called.

Cloverkit winced. What could the leader want? She was only a kit.

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