Chapter 6

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  • Dedicated to Final Dawn

{Chapter 6}

Many gasp rose from the crowd.

"I did no such thing!" Spiritstar yowled back.

"Oh! I'm so scared! You think you're so cool being leader of ShadowClan!" Cloverpaw finally saw who was talking. A brown tom that she could tell was from RiverClan.

"That's Ottersplash." Forgottenpaw whispered. A black she-cat stood up.

"Ya! You killed my only kit before she was even four moons old!" she yowled.

"And that's Fishscale." Forgottenpaw whispered again.

"And when we found Frozenstar on potroll one day and she said Daisystar had died, we knew it was you!" Ottersplash yowled.

"We didn't harm anyone!" Spiritstar hissed.

"We scented you crossing over into WindClan alot!" a RiverClanner yowled.

Cloverpaw stood up. "We didn't kill Daisystar, Fernstar did! Beetlepaw told me! You must be scenting when we went to gatherings, fish-brains!" Cloverpaw regreted saying anything when she finshed.

"Is this ture, Frozenstar?" Littlestar asked, looking clam.

Frozenstar opened her mouth but Fernstar answered for her. "Yes it is, but I promise I didn't try to kill her." She dipped her head to Frozenstar and she dipped back.

"Do you want to tell us what happen to Songpaw, Spiritstar?" Littlestar asked.

"Yes, part of it, anyway." Littlestar nodded. "Songpaw lefted on her own will, feeling like she didn't belong in the Clans. She got warrior training before she left, though." Cloverpaw remembered this is what she told the Clan and not the real thing.

Littlestar dipped his head. "Thank you, Spiritstar, for clearing that up. Though we might not know what happened to Anglekit, we may know that you didn't kill anyone."

Spiritstar went on with her annoucement. "We also have four new kits to ShadowClan, Willowkit, Rainkit, Petalkit, and Amberkit!" many happy mews came from the crowd. "Other than that, prey is running well and twolegs have not crossed into ShadowClan terriory. Fernstar, may some of them leave soon." she dipped her head to Littlestar.

He stood up. "As most of you have heard, Anglekit is dead. We found her on the ShadowClan border, covered in claw marks. She smelled of nothing else but ShadowClan." some cats nodded apovaly to why they thought ShadowClan kill the little kit.

"No wonder we found a pile of blood one day on the border!" Forgottenpaw whispered.

"We also have a new apprentice with us today from RiverClan, Riverpaw, Anglekit's littermate." Cloverpaw saw Riverpaw stand up and do the same thing she did.

She heard some whimpering in the background. "Anglekit would of been a great apprentice, just like her brother!" she thought that sounded like Fishscale but still looked ahead.

"The fish are coming and coming but the twolegs havn't come for fishing yet. We are thankful for that." he sat down and dipped his head to Frozenstar.

Frozenstar stood up. "Daisystar is dead. And Stormfeather is our new deputy." cheers for Stormfeather rose from the crowd, Cloverpaw joined in. Flicking her tail, Frozenstar silented them. "Before Daisystar died, we had two new kits come into the Clan, Hopekit and Daisykit. They were our wish for Daisystar. Even if Daisystar was still alive, the little kits still cause trouble!" many purrs came from the crowd. "Rabbits seem to be hopping slower, sometimes we run right past them! That is all."

Fernstar stood up, being the oldest leader. "Clans dismissed!" All four leaders jumped down.

Cloverpaw rushed over to her sister. "How was it?" she asked.

"Wonderful! And I think someone likes you!" her sister purred.

Cloverpaw felt her fur getting hot. "Ya.. I guess.."

Just then, "ShadowClan! We're leaving!"

Cloverpaw lashed her tail. "Why so soon?" she asked.

"So you can spend more time with Forgottenpaw!" Shadepaw giggled.

ShadowClan quickly hurried to camp and settled down.

"What happened at the gathering?" Stormpaw asked when she got into her nest. Their nest were right next to each others.

Cloverpaw quickly told her what happened. "Wow!" Stormpaw exclaimed. "RiverClan sure are mouse-brains."

"Ya.." Cloverpaw yawned and curled up.

"Good night, Cloverpaw." but by the end it, Cloverpaw was already asleep.

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