Chapter 4

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  • Dedicated to Final Dawn

{Chapter 4}

It had been five days since Darkpaw had said those harsh words to her. She was getting a little use to Songpaw not being in ShadowClan. I wonder if I'll ever see her again... Three days ago, to proved to Bluefeather that she was a great hunter and fighter and was looking forward to training today.

She was thinking of how she would surpize attack Bluefeather when she came to wake her up when she was eating her prey last night. Time to put this plan into action! First, go to the ledge above the apprentice's den. She got up and rushed outside. She saw a few cats up but they didn't see her. She rushed outside then stopped dead after a few pawsteps past the cat on guard.

"Hello, Cloverpaw." Came the voice of the guard.

"Hello, Bluefeather. I was going to surpize attack you when you came but here you are and.." She trailed off as she saw Bluefeather purring.

"You almost got me!" she giggled.

"Ya, right. Can we go train now?" she asked.

"I need to wait for two or three more cats to wake up. Oh... There's someone.." Cloverpaw followed her mentor's gaze to Icestorm and her four kits padding out of the nursey.

"Now?" she asked.

"Yes. We're going to do some battle training, for tree fights." she mewed.

Cloverpaw felt her excitment brust. "Isn't that what ThunderClan cats do?" she remembered hearing a story from Fox-Eyes about a fight with ThunderClan where they attacked from the trees.

"Yes, but we're going to learn how to defend, sneak up on them, and look for those mouse eating fox-hearts." Bluefeather replied. She headed towards the training hollow, Cloverpaw following. As they pasted the training hollow, she wondered where they were going.

As if Bluefeather read her mind, she meowed: "Almost there." They stopped by the river that flowed between ShadowClan and RiverClan.

"Ok, first, we're going to learn to defend our selfs. ThunderClan will drop down right on us, sometimes on top of us, sometimes around us. The imporant thing if they drop on you, if you have enough air and they're not that heavy to pin you,Sh you role over and then use your battle part of your mind."

"How do you know if they're coming down on you?" Cloverpaw asked.

"Good question. When they drop, there's this whistling sound, so you can tell and prepare yourself." Cloverpaw nodded. "Ok, next step, looking. When you here rustling in the trees, look up and you may hear them, and if you have a good nose, smell them."

"How do I surpize them?" Cloverpaw asked.

"That adds on to looking. If you find them, you can attack them in the trees. Slowly climb up a tree." Bluefeather walked over to a tree and slowly and quietly climbed it. "Stock them." she started slowly and quietly stocking a squirrel. "And then, pounce! Knocking them out of the tree and having you something to land on." she jump on to the squirrel, biting its neck. "Like so, with out killing." Bluefeather purred at her own joke.

"Now, close your eyes and pretend I'm a ThunderClan warrior. Count to ten then try to find me and attack me, got it?" Bluefeather asked.

"Got it!" Cloverpaw replied. She closed her eyes and started counting. One.. Two.. Three.. She heard some rustling in the tree. Four.. Five.. Six... She heard a twig snap. She's not good at this.. Seven.. Eight... Nine.. Ten! She opened her eyes again and looked around. She saw her mentor's tail. She dashed up the nearest tree and stock over to her. She knew her mentor knew she was there, but it was her first time.

When she got close enough that she felt like she could jump, and not miss, she did. She landed right on her mentor with a purr. They came crashing down to the forest floor. She quickly got off her mentor.

"Nice.." her mentor mewed, her eyes rolling a little.

"Are you ok?" she asked.

"Just.... That fall was great.." she meowed, dizzily.

"We should get back to camp...?" she asked in a short of way.

"Ya..." Bluefeather replied.

* * *

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* * *

Bluefeather padded out of the medicine cat den. "He said no more tree training for three days.."

"Awwwwww!!" she whinned. "I was good, though, right?"

"Yes! In fact, I need to tell Spiritstar about it." she started off to the leaders' den when Shadepaw stopped her.

"You can't go to see Spiritstar." She mewed.

"Why not?" Bluefeather asked.

Shadepaw got closer to Bluefeather and whispered something in Bluefeather's ear. Her mentor let out a gasp of shock.

"Two lives?!" she whispered a little to load that only Cloverpaw seemed to hear.

Shadepaw nodded. "I'll tell Spiritstar for you, ok?" Bluefeather just nodded. Her sister went back into her den then came back out with some cat-mint. She has greencough! No wonder! Catmint, two lives... She lost two lives! 

Shadepaw hurried to Spiritstar's den. Cloverpaw followed more slowly. "Did Spiritstar lose two lives?" she asked as her sister came out.

Shadepaw jumped a little. "Yes, and she might lose more. Do you think this is when Darkpaw will attack? Like, if she still has greencough and she's on a last life." her sister whispered back.

"Maybe, but unlikely. Spiritstar won't lose eight lives to greencough." she whispered. Hopfully. she said to herself, but didn't add on.

Shadepaw nodded. "Well, the gathering is coming up and I can't!" Her sister was right. She was excited too.

Hey guys! Umm, when I plubished this, there was no comments on the part "Gathering". If you guys could read it and comment on that, that would be nice. Thanks! Read my books, vote for them, comment it on them, and share them to friends makes me more awesome and you awesome, too!

May you always be awesome, and may StarClan light your path. ~Nat~

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