Chapter 5

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{Chapter 5}

Tonight was the gathering and Cloverpaw was so excited. She padded up to Forgottenpaw, already in line. "Mind if I hang out with you tonight?" she asked.

"Of course!" he replied, smiling. Cloverpaw felt something inside pop. Happiness?  No, it couldn't be. Or was it? Did she like Forgottenpaw? No! She said to herself. I have nofeelingsfor Forgottenpaw!

Or do I? said a little voice in the back of her mind.

Without realizing at first, she felt Forgottenpaw's tail twine with hers. She relaxed a little. Maybe I do, and nothings wrongwith that, right? she asked herself.

"ShadowClan,  prepare to leave!" All cats who hadn't join the group that was going, joined. "Silentclaw,  you're in charge." Silentclaw gave a little nod. "ShadowClan,  follow." ShadowClan rushed out of camp and to the island. As they went over RiverClan's border, she sniffled her nose.

"Don't worry, no body gets used to that!" Forgottenpaw purred. As they crossed WindClan's border, she was happy that they didn't have to share a border with the heather smelling cats.

Spiritstar stopped at the tree. Letting apprentices go first,  Forgottenpaw and Cloverpaw crossed together. She looked up, amazed at the sight. The tree where the leader sat was gaint, it even want above the other trees.

"Cool, huh?" Forgottenpaw asked.

"Ya.." Cloverpaw replied.

"Over there is Frozenheart,  talking to Stormfeather. Wait, why is she jumping on High Tree? Where's Daisystar?  I can't find her." Cloverpaw had heard of Daisystar before.  She was the WindClan leader and Frozenheart was her deputy.

"Do you think Daisystar is dead?" she asked Forgottenpaw.

"Maybe.." He replied. "Follow me. We can ask Beetlepaw and Breezepaw. They're over there." he meowed, pointing with his tail to two toms. As they padded over, Cloverpaw could smell their WindClan scent.

"Hello, you two!" Forgottenpaw mewed friendly yo the WindClan apprentices. "This is Cloverpaw,  a new apprentice in ShadowClan,  and we've wondered what has happened to Daisystar."

Breezepaw's ears dropped. "Fernstar and her Clan came and attacked our camp. As making a point, she killed Daisystar. ThunderClan is surly no longer our allies!" he hissed.

"Thank you for telling us, Breezepaw. Did anyone else get killed?" he asked.

"No, and it's none of your business,  either!" snapped Beetlepaw.

"Sorry! Just asking!" Forgottenpaw smiled and padded away, Cloverpaw following. Once out of earshot, he whispered to Cloverpaw,  "That's why I'm not a WindClan cat. To much mixed emotions." Cloverpaw purred.

"Let the gathering start!" came a yowled from High Tree. Cloverpaw looked around to see a small black tom yowled the last of it.

"That's Littlestar." Forgottenpaw whispered.

"Now sit down and listen!" came a hiss from a grey tabby she-cat from ThunderClan behind them.

"Yes, Shadefur." Forgottenpaw mewed politely and sat down. Cloverpaw did the same.

Fernstar, Cloverpaw guessed,  got up. "Prey is running well and twolegs are to close to the ShadowClan border for us to potroll, we can potroll some of it, but not all of it. ShadowClan, don't get any ideas." Cloverpaw heard a few hisses and snarls from the crowd. "If you don't cross our border, we won't cross yours." Fernstar dipped her head to Spiritstar and sat down.

As Spiritstar stood up, she heard many hisses and snarls from RiverClan. What did she do? she wondered.

As if Spiritstar didn't hear them, she yowled out proudly. "We have three new apprentices with us today,  Darkpaw," Darkpaw standed up, his eyes gleaming proudly. She heard a lot of yowls but none from RiverClan. "Cloverpaw," she standed up and felted a rush of pride for herself. She closed her eyes as she let the yowls soak in. She opened her eyes as they stopped. "and Shadepaw as our new medicine cat!" Cats cheered for her sister, as Shadepaw's eyes gleamed.

A yowl came from behind her. "What happened to Songpaw? Did you kill her, too, like you did Anglekit and Daisystar?"

DUN DUN DUNNN!!! XD I know, cliff hanger! but by next time, I'll have more of an idea to do with that... XD if you could give me predictions that would be great! Thx! :P

May you always be awesome, and may StarClan light your path. ~ Nat ~

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