Emotional Rant #1

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Well this is an emotional rant mostly to me which is very emotional.

Starting to cry

One of the writers I really look up to is leaving Wattpad because of the followers who been nothing but petty and disrespectful to this writer. And it breaks my heart that no one support the authors who write these wonderful stories and nobody cares at all.

Still talking while crying

To be honest it always makes me think that will I ever be a good writer like anyone else or will I ever be a poet like anyone else and right now seeing what happened to them. I feel scared that someone will says some mean things about my stories and poems because I worked really hard on them since I first got here and now I'm scared that I might get harassed like the other writers.

I just like to write what I feel and now here I am crying, feeling like giving up and I wish that someone or anyone who understand hard it is for a writer and poet.

I'm sorry if my rant bores you all I just I feel emotionally raw right now and I'm really hurt that so many people would treat the writers like garbage.

Stopped rant and starts crying

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