Major Issues

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Here is one of my...biggest rants of all time.

Thanks to this outbreak my godsister's school is closed until April. Which means that most of the kids may have to make up the school year on Saturdays or worse...summer school. Which no kid would want that during the summer break.

Also I'm worried about the people's mental state when certain things happen which leads to a bad result.

Here are the examples of the bad results:
10 years ago in my home state(i.e. New Jersey) we were suppose to hit by a hurricane which was nothing but wind and rain. Bad result: going through 1 or 2 weeks without power.

8 years ago we were suppose to have a Nor'easter storm but all we got was a wintry mix. Bad result: schools being closed and had to cancel spring break.

Now since the paranoia of the pandemic virus is affecting people's mental state. I'm worried that once these lockdowns are over. People might be bored during the summer since every events has been cancelled or postponed until further notice.

In other words this corona paranoia have been leading to very bad results. And some results can cause very irreversible damage both mentally and emotionally, but mostly financially too.

So to whoever is reading: stay safe and think about what this paranoia is doing to yourself and the people around.

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