Rant #7

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Have you ever had a book that represents a holiday or a special event that going on? Well that's what I have and it's really kinda hard to read them represent a holiday of some sort.

For example: I have 6 or 7 horror and/or paranormal books or manga that reminds me of the "31 Days of Halloween" which I can read them in the middle of September. And I have 5 books or manga of college and high school I'll read them in the middle of August. Also I have a few books that has on beaches or cities so I'll reading during summer or 4th of July. And the rest I'll read them in between. So that's how I organized my reading since I've been a nerdy bookworm since middle school. Oh wait I forgot that I have 10 books that represents everyone's favorite holiday: CHRISTMAS!!!! That means I'll read them on the first month of December.

Well that's all I have to rant about. Until then see you next time.

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