Rant #8

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Okay so you've all know that I went to Hershey Park which is why I wrote a poem about the Founder himself.

But it was really great until I had suffer some legs cramps and feeling short out of breath from walking up hills and standing in line to ride the rides which last for 2 hours. It was an amazing trip but my adopted 13 year little sister got mad at me because I wasn't feeling too good. Come on it was 103 degrees last Saturday. So yea she's been taunting me about being fat and slow.

But she wanted to go to "The Sweetest Place On Earth" and she doesn't realized that it was a new to us and my mom who I love so much had took us over there for two in a half hours to get us from my older sister's house to the amusement park herself.

I feel like she doesn't appreciate what we're doing for her this summer and yet she whines and complains all the time right now.

Hopefully this 4th of July will cheer her because if not it's her fault not ours.

Well that's all I have to rant about until then. See you next time!!!!!!

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