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David's POV

I snuggle Liza and she puts her head into my neck.
L. Good night
D. Good night....babe
Liza giggles.
*in the morning*
I try to get up without waking Liza but she wakes up anyway. We both get dressed and we go out to the front room. Everyone was sitting down.
G. Hey guys. How was your sleep?
D. Uhh what! It's was fine.
Liza moves away from me and sits down.
H. David do you have a crush on Liza
D. Are we really doing this again?
S. Yes. We are
D. No I don't have a crush on her she doesn't have a crush on me. We are just friends calm down.
S. Where did you go last night.
Scotty points to the trash bag.
D. Shit.
Liza creeps away.
S. Hey missy. Your not getting away that easy.
Scotty pulls her back.

Lizas POV

Scotty pulls me back and I can see that David is getting a little frustrated. I look at my phone and it's 10am.
L. I'm late for my revision period. I have to go guys sorry.
D. Wait Liza.
Scotty smirks.
S. Oooo.
David pulls me to the corner and everyone stares.
D. Can I just tell them
L. Yeah go ahead.
I walk over to Gabbie.
D. Ok uhm. Basically me and Liza...we don't have a crush on each other because-
T. Whatttttt!!
D. Because we are dating!
Everyone gasps. So I begin to walk to my car. David runs after me with Gabbie.
G. Liza wait.
I unlock my car and wait for them. 
L. Yeah
D. We have revision as well.
L. Oh. You wanna come with me?
G. Yeah.
We get into the car and David sits in the front with me. I have my vlog camera out on my dash and we are all acting goofy.
*at the revision session*
D. Hey Liza can I drive home in your car.
L. Yeah sure
G. I'm gonna go somewhere so don't wait up for me guys
D. Ok
L. Have fun!
Gabbie leaves early from the session. Me and David go back home after and no one is home.
L. Where is everyone oh my god.
D. It's not like them to not tell us to be honest.
L. True
We sit down and David kisses me randomly. I pull away
D. What's wrong
I giggle.
L. Nothing I just wasn't expecting you to do that
D. Oh
We both laugh. He kisses me again and grabs my face. I kiss back and he kind of takes control by leaning forward onto me. Just then the door flings open while David is basically on top of me. Scotty Zane Corinna Heath Toddy Gabbie come in all laughing then they just stop everything that they are doing. David gets off of me and we both blush.

David's POV

I rub the back of my neck.
S. What's going on here then
G. What the-
T. Hold on. David you were literally eating Liza's face off. And Liza you were enjoying it.
L. We were just hugging!??
I knew Liza was trying to distract them so I nodded.
G. Yeah right
T. You guys should of just gone into a room.
S. We understand your dating it's cool.
D. Ok thanks
I saw Liza blushing so I just pull her into Me and heaths room. We sit down on my bed and I kiss Liza again, but she pulls away.
D. What's wrong now
L. I'm not doing anything with you because people could walk in at any time.
I started to raise my voice at Liza after she said that and she did too.

Gabbies POV

Me and Heath were sitting down when we heard David shouting. Then Liza started to shout back.
G. Oh god. They are arguing!
H. Should I go in there and pretend to get something but then ask what's wrong.
G. Ok
H. Come in with me though

Lizas POV

H. Hey guys sorry I'm interrupting but I just need to get something.
G. What's wrong guys
D. Nothing. David said sternly
Heath got a charger and went out with Gabbie following.
D. Liza I-
L. I don't care David.
I start to cry so I run to my room. I lay on my bed and I cry. I didn't care because I want time. Just a second. Gabbie saw me running out David's room crying and David running after me. They both get into mine and Gabbies room and I sit up and wipe my face. Gabbie comes and sits next to me and hugs me.
G. What's wrong hun
L. Nothing
G. Why you crying then
I stay silent and I see David come over. He sits on the bed next to me and hugs me as Gabbie lets go.
D. I'm sorry. David whispers.
L. It's fine David
D. Baby, please forgive me.
L. Ok it wasn't a big deal. I'm sorry.
David kisses me and I kiss back.
G. Maybe we should make a deal with the others.
L. Of what
G. Me and the others won't care if you guys kiss but you don't kiss on camera because you don't like it.
D. Yeah that sounds great
L. Yeah
We go tell the others and they agree.
S. Why don't Liza and David just share a bed and then Gabbie has a room to herself and Heath you still sleep there unless you want to move.
H. I'm not moving.
G. Ooooo my own room!!!
I move my stuff into David's room a while later and it gets late so we get into bed. Heath then gets into his.
H. There better be no smooching
D. Just one. Pretty please
H. Fine just one. One a night.
D. Ok
David cups my face and kisses me passionately then we go to sleep after saying goodnight.
*in the morning*
It's Friday today so that means...school ugh. I get dressed. I give a ride to David and Gabbie and I go into school holding David's hand.

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