6//It's ok

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Lizas POV

As I dance I see Heath calling me over. So I go over to him. I see Gabbie with him and wave. She smiles at me. (Liza is talking in a really drunk voice rn)
L. Hey guys.
Gabbie looks at Heath.
L. What's wrong.
G. She's really really drunk
H. Yes very.
L. What no- no I'm not. Where's David?
G. Uhm I don't know actually
L. Ok well I'm going to go bye.
H. Uh bye.
G. See you later
I walk off and josh comes up behind me.
J. Roar
I jump then we both laugh.
J. What's up?
L. The sky
J. Very funny
L. I know right
Josh pulls me outside in the garden and kisses me. For some reason I let him. I try to stop myself but I can't. I open my eyes and realise what I'm doing and push him off.
L. Sorry I can't do this.
J. I understand I'm sorry.
L. It's fine. Haha.
I go to turn and see David looking really angry.
L. Uh David. How long have you been standing there?
D. Long enough!
David walks towards josh with clenched fists. I knew what he was going to do.
L. David stop.
J. Look David you don't want to do this. I'm sorry.
D. Shut up. Both of you!
I grab David's arm and he pushes me away hard which makes me fall onto the wall. I go back up to him as he's about to punch josh and I grab his arm again. This time he pushes me really hard which makes me fall to the ground. Alex runs over as he's seen what's happened and helps me up. I see David punch josh and push him.
L. DAVID! Stop!
He looks over to Alex holding me tight.
D. Oh you tryna fuck with my girl too are you.
A. No you pushed her to the floor so I helped her up. Now I'm a bit worried for her safety.
D. Bro get away from her.
A. No David your drunk just go back inside and this will be sorted out.
David laughs.
D. Two guys onto my girl. WHO ELSE WANTS TO FUCK MY GIRL?! ANYONE! Fucking hell.
L. David stop. Please...
D. Liza you basically just cheated on me.
L. I'm sorry David!
Josh has walked off by this time so I walk inside with David following and Alex behind us.
D. Where are you going Liza?
I walk out the front door where there was about 7 people smoking out there.
L. I'm sorry David can we please leave it!
David walks back in so I smoke a cigarette with Alex then go inside. I look for David but can't find him anywhere inside so I look in the garden and he's not there either. I go upstairs and think that maybe he's in our bedroom. I try to open the door but it's locked. I get my key and unlock it and see David fucking a girl. He sees me and sits up.
D. Liza!
I run out crying. I run downstairs outside and sit on the curb. Zane comes out and sits next me.
Z. What's the matter Liza.
L. *sniff* David...was...having sex with another girl. I kissed josh though. I guess I deserve it.
Z. No he shouldn't of gone that far.
L. I guess
David comes out.
D. Liza! There you are.
I close my eyes for 5 seconds to calm down.
D. I'm sorry Liza.
L. Really oh I forgive you. I say sarcastically. Fuck off David.
D. We didn't even have sex. We were just kissing.
L. Fine. One all. No one kisses anyone else now.
D. Ok. Are you coming in?
L. No I'm going to stay out here for a bit.
Zane goes in with David. I go in after a while and pour myself a drink. David is on the other side making a drink as well, he looks up at me says,
D. Im sorry
He stops what he's doing takes his drink and I see him go upstairs. I make myself a drink and go up as well and go into my room where David is.
L. Me too
D. What?
L. Me too. I'm sorry as well.

David's POV

I get up, put Lizas drink down and hug her as she buries her head in my shoulder.

Gabbies POV

I see my friends out as it was getting quite late so they left. I go back upstairs and go to Lizas room to see if she's ok. I figured she'd be in there for some reason. I walk in and see Liza and David hugging, so I back out slowly because I realise they've forgiven each other and are working it out.

Lizas POV

After a while we go back downstairs and full on party. We dance a lot drink a lot more and it's so fun. After a while most people go and some stay on the sofa sleeping so everyone goes to bed except me and David. He leads me to the garden and I take out a cigarette for me and him. I'm about to light it when David takes it and kisses me. I'm shocked at first but then like it so kiss back. After we kiss I light up my cigarette and start to smoke.
L. What was that for?
D. Because I love you
L. Babe-
D. I'm sorry
L. N..no don't be
I think David could still figure out I was still quite drunk.
D. No I mean I took advantage of you when earlier.
L. I wasn't even that drunk.
D. Liza you were so wasted. Your still quite drunk now and because I'm not that drunk anymore I basically took advantage of you.
I put my cigarette out and he does too, I take his hands and say
L. I know what I want babe.
D. Ok I love you baby
L. Love you too, now let's go upstairs it is cold.

David's POV

We go upstairs and Liza goes in the room while Gabbie and Heath stare at me.
D. I'll be in in a minute babe
L. Ok don't be long.
I go over to gabbie and Heath.
D. What's up guys?
G. You better not being doing anything with her.
D. I'm not.
H. Do you know what I'm not even that drunk now but Liza is. She can't control what's she's like.
G. David she got raped as a teenager. At parties she gets drunk and doesn't care what happens because she tries to forget it.
D. I...I didn't know that.
I look at the floor. She lied to me. She said when me and her did it ages it ago, that it was her first time!
D. I won't do anything again tonight.
H. Again?!
G. Can you not remember Heath. They've already had fucking sex that's why I'm pissed.
H. What ?!?!
D. I'm not going to do it again.
I walk off and go to my bed, I get undressed into my boxers and I get into bed and hug Liza until we both fall asleep.

His girl//Diza Where stories live. Discover now