3//schools out

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David's POV

I go into school holding Lizas hand and we go to our first period. Me and Liza have the same classes all day so we go to math first. I want to sit next to her but then I see a boy and a girl sit either side of her. So I sit next to the boy hoping he'll move. (Le-lele J-josh)
Le. Hey I'm Lele and this is Josh
J. Hey
L. I'm Liza
J. The new kid
L. Yep. Liza the new kid
She giggled that cute giggle and I smile.
J. Oh hey David
He looked at me realising I was next to him.
D. Hey Josh
J. What are you doing here. You never sit next to me. Ever.
D. Oh I'm with Liza to be honest.
Le. How comes?
D. We are dating
J. Oh my god that's actually so cute.
Le. Yeah. Hey why don't you two come to my party later tonight. Bring some other people.
D.  Should we bring any drinks
Le. No that's all provided.
*later right before they leave for the party*
D. Is everyone ready?!
L. Yeah everyone is here now.
D. Ok so me and Liza are taking her car and everyone else has a different transport
Everyone nods.
L. Ok let's go have some fun.
I drive Lizas car and we get there second after Gabbie and Corinna. We get inside and the music is so loud.
Le. Hey Liza hey David. Glad you could make it. The drinks are in the kitchen.
D. Ok cool thanks.
I hold Lizas hand and lead her to the kitchen. Me Liza and Scotty do some shots while the others are just drinking alcohol out of the red cups. Liza is the first one to get drunk so I lead her out the kitchen into the front room where it's a bit quieter. I am also very drunk might I add.
L. Hey david
D. Y-yes Liza
l. I love you 💕
D. I love you too 💖
Liza puts her hand on top of my jeans where my dick is and I feel a boner coming on. Shit. I move her hand and take her outside. She leans against the wall looking up at the stars and I look at her lips. She looks back at me and I instantly kiss her.
Z. Hey have you se- oh never mind you are David. I'm staying the night.
I put a thumbs up not breaking me and Lizas kiss. I lead Liza into her car and she drives us home. Even though she was drunk she was driving good. I think! We get home and she gets undressed in our bedroom and I do the same. We are both in our underwear and I can't contain myself any longer. I push Liza onto the bed and pull her underwear down. She looks a little worried but then eases up to a smile. I take my pants off and smash into Liza. Liza screams so I pull out.
D. Is it your first time?
She nods.
D. Oh I'll go slow.
Every time I pound into her she screams a little less till she becomes pleasured and we both start to moan.

Lizas POV

*next morning*
I kind of hurt down there. And my head is banging. Wait I didn't fuck David. No drunk Liza isn't that stupid. I hope. I get up and see that me and David are naked so I get dressed while thinking to myself, "Nah we didn't". David gets up and gets dressed so I go out to the kitchen and make breakfast for everyone. I check the time and it's 1pm. Oh my we all slept in a lot.
*2 months later*
I haven't had my period for 2 months so I ask Gabbie what to do.
G. Hey what's up Liza
L. Gabbie I don't know what to do. I haven't had my period for 2 months.
G. 2 months ago was that party and you and David were really drunk.
L. Oh yeah
G. You went home before anyone...do you think that maybe you had sex with him?
Look down at the ground and then back at Gabbie.
L. I don't know
G. Wait you don't know. Liza you could of lost your virginity to him.
L. I know I know.
G. Let's just get a test ok
L. Yeah
Gabbie goes to the store and comes back a while later.
G. Here you go take this.
L. Ok
I take the test and we wait about 5 minuets, then I check it and it says positive. I start to cry and Gabbie hugs me and we end up hugging on the floor in the bathroom. We hear the front door open and hear some voices so we get up and sit on the bed taking the test with us. Heath and David walk in and Gabbie pulls me to her room. David looks confused. We sit on Gabbies bed and talk about the baby.
G. Are you going to keep it
L. No
G. Well why don't we go to the hospital today to get an appointment.
David barges in and I jump. He looks at me and smirks.
D. Hey guys why you talking about hospitals?
G. Liza feels ill.
L. Yeah
D. Oh can I come
G. No!
D. No?
L. I don't want you to get worried so I'll tell you everything that happens when I get back.
D. Ok
*in the hospital room*
I'm laying in the bed ready to have my abortion. Gabbie has been told to wait outside.
*10 minuets later*
They finish and I go home. They tell me to rest today.
*at home*
D. Hey baby. How did it go
L. It was fine. The doctor said just to rest it was nothing.
D. Oh ok
Gabbie smiles at me to comfort me. I wasn't ready to tell him I got rid of our child. I didn't want to hurt him. I go to our bed and later that evening everyone else goes to their bed. David gets in with me and hugs me and I hug back.
H. Remember only one smooch a night
David laughs.
D. Yeah yeah
He kisses me passionately and I fall asleep in his arms.
*next day*

David's POV

It's Monday today and Liza is all bubbly. We graduate school in 2 months and I have a big surprise for everyone. I get them all in the front room and they look so confused.
Z. What going on
T. Yeah tell us
C. Hurry up
D. Ok ok. Basically I brought a house for all of us. We move in in 2 months. After our graduation.
Everyone screams and hugs one another. I look at the time and say
D. Time for school everyone.
Everyone leaves going their separate ways and I wait for Liza to come out.
L. Hey you waited for me
She giggles.
D. Yeah of course
Liza drives us to school and I hold her hand walking in. We go to our first class together then go our separate ways after. At break I don't see Liza. I keep looking around while talking to the group.
Z. She'll be here soon David.
T. Yeah don't stress yourself.
D. Ok

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