9//getting back at eachother

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David's POV

I'm gonna prank Liza with the hickey prank. Everything is set up all I need is some hickeys. This is gonna go well coz me and Liza haven't been seeing each other a lot because we've been doing videos, so she'll probably buy it. I get Scotty to give me about 5 hickeys and they come out good.
D. I owe you one thanks.
S. Never ask for that again though.
D. Hell no😂
I set up some cameras and then Liza comes into the room while I'm putting my shirt on and walks past me. She stops and walks back and looks at me again.
L. What's that?
D. What's what??
I say acting clueless.
L. The marks on your neck.
I pull my top down and Liza fully sees the hickeys.
L. What the fuck David!
She puts her stuff on the bed and turns back to me.
D. What!?
Liza starts to raise her voice and to be honest I've never heard her like this😂.
L. Don't act fucking clueless you know what David. Have you been cheating or something.
D. Oh the hickeys. Liza I'm so sorry. I was gonna-
L. Shut up David. You weren't gonna say shit.

Lizas POV

I'm pissed off and kinda sad at this point. He fucking cheated on me! I walk out the room and walk down stairs with David following.
L. Stop following me
D. Liza they are fake.
L. Rub them off then
D. I can't.
L. Then they are not fucking fake are they David.
D. Scotty made them.
L. Wait are you gay?
D. No
L. Like I have nothing wrong with gays but I need to know.
D. No Liza I'm not.
Scotty walks round the corner.
D. Scotty! These are fake right.
S. Yeah.
I pull the camera out and Liza covers her face.
L. Nooooo.😂😭 I hate you so much.
D. Hahahha. I win prank wars.
L. Oh it's on !
D. Try me.
I end the vlog edit it then post it.

Lizas POV

*2 weeks later*
I want to win the pranks war with David so I am going to prank him with by "cheating" on him!! I ask Todd if he'll help because it's basically Davids best friends. He says yes and we make a code word that we shout if it David gets really mad. The code word is Unicorns. 😂😂. We set everything up and everyone knows what to do.  David is coming back in like 2 minuets from the shops so I lock the door and Todd takes his top off and we chuck our shoes near the door so it looks real. We get into bed with me on the edge of the bed and todd furthest away. We hear David talking to some people downstairs then hear him walk upstairs and try to open the door. We get set up to look like we are kissing and about to fuck. David comes in and sees us with Gabbie following as David invited her. Gabbie doesn't know what's happening so I don't know how it'll turn out. David practically pulls me out the bed and Todd jumps up and gets down from the bed.
L. I'm sorry!! I didn't want it hurt you.
D. You didn't want to hurt me... THEN WHY FUCKING DO IT LIZA.
David goes up to Todd drops what he was holding and pushes him against the wall.
T. David you don't want to do this. It's all a misunderstanding
G. Why did you do it Liza.
I looked away because I was about to laugh.
D. Do you actually not give a shit about us.
David walks downstairs with me gabbie and Todd following.
G. David calm down. We will sort this out ok.
L. I'm sorry David
T. Yeah.
D. Whatever.
L. We didn't even do anything.
D. Oh ok you were just in bed with each other Todd had no top on and you were kissing and you weren't doing anything.
Me and Todd stayed silent.
D. Answer me Liza. Todd can you please go. And you gabbie.
Todd and Gabbie go. Todd is actually smart and puts the live camera near the stairs so he can watch.
D. Why did you do it Liza.
I stay silent and look down. I get ready to tell him it's a prank but all of a sudden he pushes me towards the stairs quite hard.
L. Woah stop David.
He grabbed my top and kinda pushed me infront of him to go upstairs. Todd comes running down. Maybe he saw through the camera.
D. What the fuck.
Scotty and Alex come running over and pull David off. I fall on the stairs because he was basically pulling me up.
T. Are you ok Liza.
L. I'm fine
I start to giggle and smile. He's so over protective.
D. What's going on.
L. David calm down. Unicorns is the code word. Also you just got pranked. Haha
D. Noooooooooo. I actually hate you.
L. Love you to babe.
Scotty and Alex let David go and walk off while we go to my room.
Todd goes out so it's just me and David hanging out. Gabbie and Heath come in and look worried.
L. Oh yeah. I forgot to tell you guys the whole thing was a prank on David.
H. Oh my god.
G. Wow😂 good one.

Gabbies POV

*later in the month*
L. So what are you doing today.
G. I'm staying in what about you.
L. Same
David comes in and sits next to me.
D. Hey guys.
L. Hey
G. Hi
D. Did you guys wanna go to a club tonight.
L&G. Sure
D. Ok cool we are gonna leave in 30 minuets.
L. Ok
David goes so me and Liza do our makeup and we get dressed up all sexy. After a while we were ready. We got into the Tesla and David drove us to the club. We were all drinking but David and Liza where the most drunk so I decided I would be nice and not drink so I can drive home. Wow I am very nice 😂.
*an hour later*
I'm still sober but now David and Liza are really really drunk and are make out🙄😂
G. Come on guys let's go.
D. Ok.
*at home*

David's POV

Me and Liza stumble in whilst Gabbie just walks in.
H. What the hell guys. Are you drunk.
G. We needed a driver. I was the driver ugh.
I get Lizas hand and pull her towards the stairs but Heath pulls her back.
(David and Liza talk in a really drunk voice)
D. What are you doing?
H. Not tonight. You guys are drunk
L. Oh it's fineeee.
H. My point explained.
D. Ok ok.
Me and Liza go upstairs and I lay on my bed. She tries to take my top off so I just let her. Soon after all our clothes are off😉. I lay on top of her kissing her neck giving her loads of hickeys. She gives me 1 on my neck and I'm about to enter her but then all of a sudden Heath comes in and pulls me off of Liza. Liza covers herself as she gets changed into her bra and knickers and I put pants on.
(Liza and David are still talking in a drunk voice)
D. What the fuck Heath.
H. Did you hear what I said earlier! You will probably regret everything tomorrow!!
L. We won't h-Heath it's okkkk!
H. Just come on Liza you can sleep with somewhere else tonight.
D. What! No
H. David please. tomorrow sure but please listen
D. Fine whatever.
I get back into bed and go to sleep while they leave.

Lizas POV

Heath takes me outside to the hall way and Gabbie comes out her room.
G. What's going on? And why aren't you dressed Liza!
H. Liza and David were about to fuck!
G. Wow you would of regretted that
H. That's what I said.
L. Whatevs!
G. What did you say?
L. I said whatevs.
H. You've never said that in your entire life.
G. Oh my-
L. Can I go now?
G. Uh sure.
I walk downstairs with a blanket and get some vodka from the alcohol cabinet and start to drink it from the the bottle 🍷 🍸. Someone takes the bottle from me and I look to see who it is. Gabbie and Heath.
L. What the fuck. Can I have it back please.
G. No
H. You need some sleep
L. I'm not tired.
G. Liza your being very difficult right now.
L. Fine fine ok bye.
I go back to my room and get into bed with David.
H. Ok night. No funny business
L. Ok dad!
We all laugh. David wakes up and we fuck.
*in the morning*
I wake up with a banging head ache. David is on his phone. I check the time and it's nearly 1pm.
G. Hey guys
L. Hey
H. Hi
L. What happened last night.
I say rubbing my head.

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