Chapter 14

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* ok so this next part will be better I swear. Make sure your tray tables are in the upright and locked position. We're about to take off!!


Rey pulled herself out of the force connection with Ben. She could barely think of what to do. Her body was still so weak that if she tried to do too much she could make herself worse. But she had to get to Ben. It was dark outside, she looked out the tiny window, she could see the stars, but there was no moon. "Maker what do I do" she thought to herself. Perhaps Finn could help her. He was her best friend, but she knew asking him to help save Ben would be like pulling teeth, but she had no choice at this point.

Once she had untangled herself from all of the tubes and wires surrounding her she quickly, or as quickly as she could, left the medical ward. There weren't very many people on duty at night and the one nurse who saw her was easily convinced to go back to sorting through papers. Rey smiled to herself, she had never tried to persuade someone with the force before, but it had worked seamlessly. Finally, she reached the old hangar that currently served as the housing for the resistance. Naboo's military had been relocated to new hangars and that left their previous warehouses and hangars available for use. The resistance was still rebuilding, their numbers were less than half of what they had been, so it was easy to fit everyone into one hangar. Rey wandered though the corridors to where Finn had set up his room. It wasn't much, just an old supply closet. She had laughed when he told her, telling him he must have really missed the mop buckets. Finn had laughed with her, thankfully, otherwise Rey would have felt terrible for being so inconsiderate.

She lightly knocked on the door. At first, she didn't hear anything. "Finn" she whispered.

Finally, he opened the door, he was standing there in what looked like a gown, and grey socks. Rey had to stifle a laugh.

"Rey what are you doing out of bed you need to be resting." He looked worried

"Finn can I come in? I need to ask you something."


"Who is it?" a voice echoed from behind Finn, who was suddenly a deep shade of red.

"It's Rey" Finn answered as he stepped aside to let her pass. His room was almost barren, save for an old mattress with a few blankets. Like Rey, Finn had left the only home he had known to help the resistance, he didn't have many belongings. Poe was sitting on Finn's bed, his hair was a mess and he didn't have a shirt on.

"Um.... Hey Poe" Rey blushed and looked away.

"Hey" he smiled sheepishly at her before leaning down to snatch his shirt up from the floor. "I'll let you two have a minute" He got up and moved to walk past her. He planted a quick kiss on Finn's cheek before he left the room. Rey stared at Finn he was turning multiplse shades of red now.

"So, you and Poe?" She asked carefully.

"Yes!!" Finn's smile was bigger than she had ever seen. "Rey he just makes me happy"

"I'm so happy for you Finn, you two are perfect for each other" She moved to hug him. He squeezed a little to tightly and Rey could feel her pain almost double.

"Oof" she grunted as she let him go and stepped back.

"Rey!?" Finn stared at her in horror. "Are you ok? You need to get back to the medical ward."

"I'm fine Finn, besides I need to ask you something important" She took a deep breath, willing the pain to subside so she could speak without her voice shaking.

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