Opperation get KO back to NORMAL!

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Rad: alright!! Anyone have any bright ideas?

Dendy: we could tell his mom?

Enid: that didn't end well last time :/

Rad: Yeah! That just made TKO angrier!


Enid came back with arms crossed.

Enid: KO! This ends now!

TKO: Oh yeah?! What?! You Planning on revealing a "Secret Power move?"

Enid: Nah... I just told your mom

Carol: KO!!

TKO: grrr...

Carol: How could you?!! You know I'm always willing to support your choices but this phase has gone to Far!!!

TKO: This is NOT a phase MOM!!! This is who *Smashes sign* I *Smashes other sign* am!!!!! *Smashes more signs*

Gar: eeeee!!!! My store!!!!

TKO: he he he... Nice hustle GAR!!!! Now it's your turn to clean up the mess!!!

*Breaks sign in half*


Rad: And things only got worse after that...

Enid: yep...

Dendy: hmmm... I see....

Enid and Rad: see what?

Dendy: I think I see the problem....

Enid: which Iiiiisssss?...

Dendy: KO, like TKO said, is trapped in his mind as long as TKO is in control.. KO needs to find the courage and right time to stand up for himself and get back in control.

Enid: So.. Can we help KO find the courage he needs to get back in control?

Dendy: I'm afraid not.

Rad and Enid: what?!!

Dendy: he has to do it himself... Unless...

Rad: Unlesss?!!!....

Dendy: unless we can somehow scientifically get inside KO's mind!!


Dendy: Only if you have the right equipment... If not... Then KO is basically on his own... Which would not be a good thing for him and us.

Enid: Soooooooo........ Do you have the equipment?

Dendy: I do, in fact believe so.

Enid: Alright! Operation get KO back to normal is a go!!!!

Rad: nice title!

Enid: thanks dude

*To be continued......*

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