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POV Glen (I will say when point of view changes)

I slowly opened my eyes, unable to see my surroundings clearly, and not really wanting to. I was too tired and too achy. All I wanted to do was close my eyes again. But as I tried to go back to sleep, something kept bothering me. I couldn't figure out what it was, so eventually I sat up and blinked my eyes rapidly to clear my vision.

As the blurs eventually changed into clear images, I took in my surroundings. The sandy beach, the crashing waves, didn't seem familiar to me. But I didn't panic, I mean what's the use of panicking, other than making your heart rate accelerated. Surely I had just wandered a little too far from home.

I tried to think of the last place I remember being, but as time progressed and the waves drew further up the beach, towards where I was sitting, I just could not seem to get anywhere with my thoughts.

Every time I tried to focus my mind on a memory, it was like a white mist floated over my brain, preventing me from seeing. And when this white mist appeared, my thoughts automatically were redirected to my surroundings, to the glisten of the sun's rays on the impenetrable mass of darkness that was the sea.

Although I had a feeling that I was always admiring nature, this seemed excessive. And suddenly I remembered that thing that had been bothering me.

What is my name? Who am I?

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