Part 4/impulse

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I slinked through the window, like a shadow in the endless night. But, as soon as I stepped inside the room, I felt my blood boil in fear. The man in the bed maintained a perfect demeanor of sleep, but I could feel his mind was awake.

I took a cautious step forward, hoping, even if he was awake he would not notice me. But then I heard his controlled breathing, and I realized I was caught. I slumped slightly, trying to control my fear. "Look, I know you're awake, you know you're awake, so stop the bullshit."

He seemed surprised, as he sat up suddenly. He spoke, asking a question that seemed irrelevant "who are you?".

I was confused. Why did he want to know who I was? For all he knew I was just a thief, or a prison escapee.

I just dismissed his words, wanting more than ever to be out of this predicament. "I'll leave and you'll never see me again, okay?" I said as I inched towards the opposite window I had come in.

"No." He spoke with authority. Seeming to realise he was in a vulnerable position, he began to climb out of the bed. As he stood up I was able to see his real height. He was a man, clearly, but he seemed young, maybe my age.

As he stood there he began reaching for the light. I realized what he was doing and called out in a hushed voice, "Wait! Please, don't turn me in." My voice sounded pathetic and pleading to my own ears.

He looked at me, and even in the dim light I could see his eyes narrow. He studied me for a moment.

He spoke. "You cannot escape through here. You must leave the way you came in, and figure out another way to escape."

After I heard his first sentence I stopped listening. "I haven't done anything wrong."

He stepped towards me intimidatingly and raised his eyebrows. "Really. Sneaking into the prince's bedroom at night is not a crime?"

I dismissed him with a hand. "I'm sure many of your lovers have done it. They have not been executed, have they?"

He seemed taken aback that I would address him so blatantly. When he had recovered himself he sneered at me, saying, "Well you are not my lover, are you."

He was so close to me that I could see his features clearly. He had a strong chin, but his lips looked soft and supple.

"Am I not?" I spoke without thinking.

He seemed even more astonished at my bold proclamation.

"What... what would posses you to say such a thing!?" He exclaimed with some fury.

Without a second thought I pulled him
towards me. Our lips were so close, I could feel his breath. But I was more focused on where our bodies were pressed together.

"That, is what I will claim if you call the guards. You are my lover." I sneered.

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