Part 3/unsuccsessful

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Glen POV:

I raised my eyebrows at the man's words "a real life prince". His tone was clearly mocking, and I found it easier to believe that he was just making fun of the man, rather than thinking that the man just hidden out of view was a 'real prince'.

Whoever he was, if he was really the prince, then I had a problem. Although not many rumours were spread about the recluse prince, word was that he had exceptional hearing. And he lived right before the only exit from this fucking palace. I had assumed he was out of town, because no word had been heard from him from over a year.

But no, he had to turn up on the night of my escape, assuming that was him.

Whatever, for now, let's assume he is not the prince, and even if it is him, surely I'll be able to quiet him if he does hear me on my way out.

I tried to listen in on the rest of the conversation, but their voices were hushed. Soon enough the man left, and jeers again followed him out. Cautiously I got up from the bed and went back to work, careful to remain aware of my surroundings. The adrenaline once again filled me.

Quiet breaths, in, out. Come on, just a little further. Now I could literally taste freedom on my tongue.

Just past that gate, and the next. That's all I have to do.

I was not usually this nervous when escaping, but it's not everyday you are exiting the royal palace, illegally.

I exited my cell, slipping into the shadows flawlessly. I knew I was invisible to the naked eye, as long as the lights stayed on. It was only with the contrast of darkness and light that I was able to slip through, undetected.

Although there were many guards patrolling, none noticed that I was gone. I creeped around the last corner, then crouched down, pressed against the freezing stone. The last hurdle was within sight, but my heart began to pound as I realized my mistake. I should've waited. I cursed myself in my head.

I could feel the alertness and depression of the person behind the window, on the way to the exit. I knew that if he was in that mood he would not go to sleep for a while.

The guards were no worries, I knew the limits of my abilities, and they did not surpass them. However, I knew this man was different. He had this weight of responsibility on his shoulders. I could not see the extent of his abilities, as I could with the others.

I had two options, climb over the fully lit gate in full view of everyone, or creep through the important man's window and hope he is too scared by an intruder to try and alert anyone.

Well, option two it is.


After a good long while of psyching myself out, I managed to brave the distance from my hiding place to the window.

Now, the easy part. Climbing through the window. I'm lucky this man seems to be resistant to the weather, as his window was wide open.

With my breath catching in my throat and my heart slowing down to stopping point, I swiftly leaped over the ledge, trying desperately to hide in the shadows and be silent.

Aiden POV:
In front of the man I had appeared cold and indifferent to his mockery. Really I was as sensitive as always. I thought today would be different. I am soo naive. Of course I have lost the trust of my people after so many years in absence.

I thought that in the comfort of my room that these thoughts would retreat, but in the darkness they just multiplied ten fold. I could not shake off this mood and I knew I would get very little sleep tonight.

I lay in my bed, my mind restless, but my body yearning for sleep. These self deprecating thoughts just kept swirling throughout my mind. I could get no peace.

I was about to get up and pace, hoping the thoughts would retreat with exercise, when I heard something.
I gritted my jaw in anger. An intruder. Even my reputation has been destroyed in those years of mental absence. It used to be known that no man would be able to enter my room undetected, as I had unparalleled hearing.

I knew I had to do my duty, and wait till later to feel overwhelming anger or sadness. For now I could not feel the refuge of emotion. I must just apprehend the criminal, and wallow later. At least I knew the importance of duty.

With precision I lay alert waiting for my chance. But despite my flawless example of sleep, the demeanour the intruder changed dramatically.

"Look, I know you're awake, you know you're awake, so stop the bullshit."

My eyes opened wide in curiosity at this man. How had he known? The desire to capture did not fade, but my curiosity overwhelmed it.

"Who are you?"

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