Part 5/decisions

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His hands on my waist. His eyes and lips so close to mine.

It was air.
For so many years I had been drowning, surrounded by the never ending blue. Now I could breathe.

We were in a bubble, in the middle of the ocean.

But then words filtered through, and the bubble burst.

I reeled back, reacted more out of shock than anything. I could not believe the words he had said.

So I punched him.

I hadn't stood up for myself for so many years I forgot how good it felt. I felt my knuckles brush the tip of his nose. Then a resounding crack resonated through the air. It felt good.

Almost as good as his hands on my waist.

No. Stop it. I shock my head, clearing out the thoughts.

I stared at him trying to take in what just happened. He grabbed me, insulted me, and then just expected me to let him go, no consequences?

His nose had started to bleed profusely, and he desperately tried to stop the bleeding by clutching his hands to his nose. I clenched my jaw, but then as I moved to help him, the bleeding stopped. I stared at him in confusion. I had hit a couple people in my life, and each time it took hours for the bleeding to stop. Why did his stop so fast?

I bit my lip, realizing I had bigger problems than that to deal with. I shouldn't of hit him, surely the guards heard. Whoever he is, he doesn't deserve to be locked up. He looks the same age as me, if not younger.

I surveyed him again, looking at the blackish-brown bruise that was beginning to form on his nose. I desperately tried to think of a solution to the predicament we were in.

We both suddenly froze. Deep voices were heard outside my door, and a resounding knock echoed through my room. "Yes?" I called out, trying to portray an air of confidence.

"Uh.., sir we heard a disturbance and wondered if you were all right?" A rough voice spoke hesitatingly.

I glanced from the door to the man standing in my bedroom. He stared back at me, his eyes pleading.

A thought resounded in my mind. I controlled this assailant's fate. I stared at him, assessing. I could hear the men outside the door shifting their feet uncomfortably. "Yes. Everything is fine."

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