Part 2/A real life prince

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Glen POV:

Fuck. Shit. This might just be the stupidest situation I've ever gotten myself into.

I can't believe I just stood there, jaw gaping like an idiot, while they dragged me off to this hell hole.

And the worst part is I can't blame this on anyone, but myself. Like seriously, papa warned me, multiple times that the guy was powerful. You know, I thought he meant like he was respected, and that people would fight for him. But no, he's just a rich crook that pays off the guards to do his dirty work. That kind of powerful.

When the guards searched me they 'found' a watch of 'mister Anderson's', as least that's what they said.

That really isn't my biggest problem though, being stuck in this place, I have a pretty good escape plan, not to brag.

The only thing I wanna know is how the fuck did that dude know I was there for him. I just look like some guy who is in the 'big city' for the first time, so i don't know how he picked me out from all the other people in the crowd.

The curiosity is literally biting away at me, but I can't do much about it now cause as soon as I get out of here I better lay low. But I can't just leave without completing the task for papa.

I run my hand through my hair, gripping at the strands. Right now all I know is I have to get out of here. I mean the place isn't all too bad, clean sheets at least, but I can feel the sorrow of the people around me seeping through the walls. It's driving me a bit crazy, and cause my own emotions are a bit haywire my wall isn't holding up too well under the pressure, so I can literally feel every little emotion around me.

Gradually I get up from the bed and walk over to the bars. Once again I put my hand through my hair, this time snatching the hair pin I had tucked away underneath the mess, you know, just in case of emergencies. So what if I needed an accessory or two to keep my hair back. Shut up.

Twitching in a nervous habit I glanced around for witnesses, then deftly started chipping away at the puzzle keeping me trapped in here. The lock. I had never been much good at lock picking, but under pressure I was even worse. I cursed in my head when I heard the faint tapping of footsteps against the tile, indicating someone was coming.

I guess my escape will have to wait, I thought, and slid back onto the bed in a relaxed pose. Though, if you looked carefully, you could see I was trembling. No, not from fear. From adrenaline. I hadn't done something like this in a while, it thrilled me. I have to do this again sometime, but without the stench of fear in the air.

I just waited there, hearing the taps of feet coming closer, and as they advanced I could hear jeers and mocking coming from the other prisoners.

I didn't bother listening too closely, figuring it was just one of the guards that did the 'punishments'. Soon enough the feet stopped next door. From the corner of my eye I could see a gold fringe and pure white fabric. Whoa, what's a rich noble guy doing in the palace dungeons. As soon as I heard my thoughts I felt like hitting myself. It's a palace! Of course there's nobles just wondering about. Probably here to 'punish' the wrong doers, or persuade them to change there ways. Oh well, none of my business. But in reality I was very curious.

A clear but raspy voice cut through my thoughts. "Well, well, well. What do we have here?" I soon realized it was the prisoner talking. "Right before my very eyes, a real life prince."

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