Part 1/Thief!

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Aiden POV

I stared at the crisp ruffles of my recently smoothed shirt, wishing I could rip the suffocating material off and sink back into my plush bed. No, I remind myself, you have to do something. It's almost time, only a year more left, then I have to be ready. No matter if I am or not.

Glen POV

I stood at the edge of the crowd in the shadows, my face permanently stuck in a frown ever since I've entered this fucking city. The sun's rays illuminates the sea of swarming people, but somehow manages to blind me at every turn. I silently lament in my head, cursing every god I can think of.  I am not used to this! Sure, I've been to cities before, but none as soul sucking and blatantly fake.

I'm no stranger to those who think they can fool everyone with a distracting smile, but these people are so unabashedly unapologetic when they are caught that it astounds me.

I swear, that if I was not here to do a favor for papa, that I would round up all the crooks in this city and send them running out of here with a good beating. But no, I'm here to catch one criminal in particular. Oh god, I sound like a complaining old women, but this was not what I expected when papa told me to go the the capital city.

Sure, I wasn't expecting gold plates and shiny trinkets at every turn, but certainly not bastards and tricksters instead.

Whatever. I'm not here to complain.

I turn my attention to the crammed mess of heads, searching fruitlessly for a way through. I exasperatedly sigh, and resort to plan b. Pushing my way through the mess of people I wonder how on earth am I going to find a specific person in all this.

I cringe as I step on someones foot and elbow someone else in the ribs. Moments later, as I expected I feel the repercussions of my actions, bruises forming on my foot and my side. Reminding myself to keep up my blockades, I mentally built the walls back up over my heart, and soon enough I no longer feel the crushing misery, pain, and joy from those around me.

Focusing back on my task, I remember that on one side of the square there is a place that the man frequents. Hurrying my steps I shove through the crowd, ignoring the repercussions. Soon enough I reach the place, and as I do the very man I was looking for walked through those doors. As he steps outside he seemed to zone in on me immediately his harsh beady eyes boring into my soul.

I start to head towards him, but he is faster. In a moment he is beside me, and he says "Leave me alone if you know what's good for you." Before I can react or process his words he shoves past me and calls out above the crowd's chatter, pointing at me, "Guards, Guards! He stole from me! Thief, thief!"

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