Part 6

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POV: Aiden

I waited a few seconds, listening for the sound of clomping footsteps to fade away. Then for the creek of their chairs to settle as they once again resumed their duty at the gate.

Once the night was silent again, I moved my gaze from the door to the man. I've never been a nervous or self conscious person, so a cramping feeling in my chest was new to me. It had to be nerves. This guy.... he was different. I mean, no, he was common, just like the rest of my subjects. He just... stared at me funny. Yes, that was it.

I almost nodded my head, but caught myself. He'd think I was crazy. A nagging voice of conscience questioned, why do you care?

Immediately I felt the urge to protest.
I don't!

Great. Now I'm talking to myself.

As I warily studied him, I registered that he still seemed on edge, his eyes darting around, seemingly with nothing to focus on, perhaps deliberately avoiding my gaze. His exposed muscles that his tunic didn't cover were tight and tensed. Which was no surprise. He was, after all escaping from the royal palace.

Its just my luck that he had to escape this way, I thought begrudgingly. Now, what am I to do. I shivered as I felt a cool breeze brush past my face, causing goose bumps to scatter my skin. I pursed my lips as I realized the window and curtains were wide open. The light that flooded outside must have attracted the guards' attention, as much as the thud of my hand hitting his face.

Absentmindedly shaking my hand, trying to remove a dull sting that was the repercussion of my hasty action, I moved towards the light to turn it off again, hoping to set the guards at ease.

But a callused and firm hand gripped my wrist as I moved, causing me to stop abruptly in my tracks. Before I could twist out of his grip and ask him what the hell does he think he's doing,
He loosened his grip, and the fingers of his other hand caressed my knuckles where I had hit him.

His skin rubbed over mine, barely even touching, but I was so aware that he was there. A sort of warmth flooded my hand spreading slowly in a circle after the brush of his skin passed by. My cramped muscles and the bruising bluish skin seemed to revert. My skin restored to its pale state. My locked knuckles relaxed, and the ache lessened, then was gone.

I glanced up at him in surprise, but his gaze was focused on our hands. I focused on his hand and watched unbelievably as his hand in turn, began to blotch, turning sections blue from bruising, just as mine had been.

Not comprehending what he had just done, I pulled away, not liking the tingles that wracked my body when he touched me.

I padded across the floor to the light, unhindered this time, and blew it out. The flame flickered weakly, then died.

We were both engulfed in the darkness.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2019 ⏰

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