chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Brad continued to hold Toni while she drank the whisky and silently cried. She threw the empty bottle against the wall and curled into brad holding him while she violently cried into his chest.

Toni cried herself to sleep while still in brads embrace. He placed her on the bed and grabbed a night gown he then went and got a wet cloth to clean her tear stained face. Once he done that he quickly went to changed her into the night gown. But she woke up and left the room “leave me alone” brad watched her leave then he stripped off and climbed into bed. He lay down and fell asleep.

Brad woke to find Toni sitting on the bed watching him. He pulled himself up and kissed her he looked deep into her eyes and said “you are mine not brads now fuck me like you used too and you will not remember what I just said”

“Toni looked shocked but nodded her head and kissed brad then she climbed on him and took him slow, brad quickly took charge and flipped her over and took her hard. He kissed her neck and then he bit her he drank greedily “you will be mated to both Jim and Rob the same way you are me now understand”

Toni cried out pleasure and brad growled as he released in her.

He pulled her head to look at him and started in her eyes “did you hear what I said” she nodded “make it happen” he demanded.

Toni placed her head on his chest and closed her eyes she was scared of him because the power he has over her and she does not know to block it. “Go to sleep” he commanded.

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