Scroll One: Tsunade

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"Haruno Sakura, have you realized what you have done?"

"I-I don't understand you, shishou! You out of all people would know that I would never do such a thing!"

"Do not address me so formally! It is Hokage-sama to you, brat. I may have trained you to your strongest point, but I did not trained you to be.. to be like this! A killer!"

"I did not do this, shishou! I swear I didn't!"

"Silence! Mirai was just a kid, Sakura! How can you do such a thing? There is no use to deny it; there are evidences Karin found in your apartment! A kunai, dagger and clothes covered in blood and forbidden scrolls! Not to mention that your very own DNA was found on the kunai!"

"Those are not mine! I was framed!"

"I said silence! Hatake, Yamato, take Haruno Sakura to the dungeon cell. The elders will take care of her there."

The two teachers bowed and took the pinkette's arms. Sakura's eyes grew dark as the audience behind took note of her menacing aura.

"How could you, Tsunade? How could you trust someone you just met? How could you believe such trash coming from her mouth?!"

She whipped her arms from the two jounins.

"How could you?!"

"Silence, Haruno!" Kakashi shushed her, as him and Yamato took her arms again.

"How dare you raise your voice at me?! I am your Hokage, show some respect!" The busty blonde stood, her hands slamming on her desk.

"Respect? Respect?! You want me to show you respect?! I literally respected you my whole entire life! You were my sensei, my mother figure, and you treated me like your own child for years! How can I show you respect if you do not even respect my opinion, my side of the story?!"

"There were evidences, Sakura! You and I both know I cannot ignore those! Yes, you were right. I treated you like a princess, as my own child, but never would I have thought you would stoop down so low. I am disappointed."

Sakura was about to utter, but she was cut off.

"Not another word. Kakashi, Yamato, take her to the dungeon cell now. I will be having a meeting with the council regarding this matter. I'll tell them to give you a bit light of a punishment. Consider yourself lucky since we were close before, Sakura. Dismissed!"

The two men nodded their heads, bowed and took the pinkette to the dungeon cells.

"Shizune," Tsunade called. A brown headed woman with a pig in her possession, went towards the blonde.

"Here's your sake, Tsunade-sama."

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