Scroll Three: Ino

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"I really don't get people. Why would they do such a thing? First they treat someone like a princess, then on the next day, they treat that someone like dirt. Trash. Someone who doesn't really belong in the village. Why?"

Her question was unanswered.

"Do they not feel guilty about what they did? They knew about the consequences that will happen if they did a certain action, but why do they still do it?"

Her question remained unanswered.

As she stood from the cherry blossom tree, she heard her name being called out.


She whipped her head, seeing a figure drastically running towards her. Sakura's heart clenched with happiness. Her eyes gleamed.


Just as she was about to glomp her best friend into a tight hug, she was stopped. Ino's face was different, and so was her aura.

"Ino? What happened?"

Ino then shoved a piece of paper on Sakura's face. She read what was written on the paper, then her heart clenched. Not with happiness, but with pain.

"I-I don't get it. What is this?" She asked. Instead of an answer, she was replied with a slap on her cheek.

"I hate you so much, Sakura! This friendship is over!"

"Hold on, Ino! We can still talk about this!"

Ino spit out a bitter laugh.

"Don't act so clueless. You're such a slut, Sakura! How could you write a love letter for Shikamaru?! You know I love him!"

"This doesn't even make sense! You know I don't even like Shikamaru! I don't even have someone I like!

"Oh, really? I thought wrong. You are just like the rest of the girls in this village. I'm just glad Shikamaru threw it away."

"I don't get it, Ino! You of all people know I wouldn't do this! That's not even how I write!"

"Remember our promise when we were still kids? The promise that we'll never steal someone else's love life? And if it did happened, it's friendship over?!"

Sakura was about to start reply, but she was cut off by the blonde.

"Forget it. This was a bunch of bull," Ino turned her back.

"This might seem like a small problem since Shikamaru disregarded it, but to me, it's the biggest one yet. You broke a promise, Sakura. You're a promise breaker. Do me a favor and just kill yourself."

With that, Ino turned to leave and left the pinkette broken hearted.

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