2. Chapter Two - The Obsession

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The day couldn't go any slower for Sophie. She had been watching the clock the entire day, she wanted to reach the librarian before she finished and locked up. Finally, the school bell rang, time to go home. Sophie had already packed her bag in silence while the teacher had been talking. Before the other students even could close there books, Sophie was out the door running down the school corridor to the library. She stormed into the library and frightened Mrs. Adams.

«I am so so sorry Mrs. Adams!» Sophie apologized. Mrs. Adams just started to laugh when she realized.

«It is alright, Ms. Evergarden» Mrs. Adams said through the laughter.

«You know, I wanted to reach you in time, to ask you something» Sophie said through heavy breathing from the running.

«Yes, and what may that be?»

«Jimmy told us a story today! And I wond..» before she could say anything more Mrs. Adams interrupted.

«Wondered if I know something more?» she said while smiling to Sophies. Sophie nodded and looked down a little.

«Witch story?»

«One about a boy named Peter Van?» she said looking questioningly up.

«Peter Pan» Sophie nodded and understood that she had got the name wrong.

«Yes I do know a little» she said looking into Sophie's eyes, like a warning.

«Peter Pan is a cunning boy, he is in control of the whole island and it is said that it is no good in him. He has a pan flute, and when he plays on it only those who feel lost will hear it. If you say the words I believe while sitting or standing in your window looking out, a shadow will come and take you to Neverland» Sophie sat enchanted by the story, eyes full of hope and wonder.

«Wow, that sounds amazing» Sebastian said uninterested, standing in the door with his arms and legs crossed.

«Sebastian! How Long have you been there?» Sophie said shocked, wondering why he hadn't gone home after class.

«Eh, long enough» he said uncrossing his arms and legs while turning around like nothing mattered and started walking. Sophie and Mrs. Adams looked questioningly at each other.

«Are you coming?» Sebastian asked from the corridor without turning. Sophie looker once more at Mrs. Adams, she nodded to Sophie, and she took her bag an ran after her brother. When she finally reached him at the end of the corridor, she saw that there was something wrong.

«What is it?» she asked carefully while looking at him.

«Nothing» he mumbled a bit irritated back, like don't talk to me before we are home.

«Mhm» Sophie just rolled her eyes and looked the other way. What she saw a little distance away made her understand everything. A Boy gave Abby a gift, they hugged and walked away hand in hand. She looked back at Sebastian with a sad and understanding expression on her face. Sebastian just looked down thoughtfully and sad on the road, the scarf was taken all the way up, right under his eyes, he was almost buried in his own scarf. They walked out of the schoolyard and started on there way home.

«What did you find out»


«About Peter Pan?» he said revealing his head a little.

«Oh, a little more not mutch»

«But what?» he said a little grumpy.

«Just that Peter is in control of the whole island, and that it says that it is no good in him» she thought if there was something else.

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