7. Chapter Seven - Care

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Pan walked towards the blond guy from yesterday, he told him something and they went to his tent. I shrugged my shoulders and walked into the camp myself.

«Hey your the girl from yesterday!» a little boy came up to me and said, he seemed like the same age as Jimmy. My heart sank a little when Jimmy came to my thoughts but I pushed it away.

«Yeh, and you are?» I said and sat down on his hight.

«My name is Phil! And yours?»

«I'm Sophie» I said with a smile. He smiled back and ran off. I stood up and walked longer into the camp towards the campfire place.

«Hey, you're the new one, right?» a voice from behind me said, I turned around to see a brown-haired boy with blue eyes. I smiled and nodded.

«Well, I am Jack and you?»

«Sophie, Sophie Evergarden» I said and he smiled and gave me a nod.

«Come meet the others» He said turning around walking towards a group of boys, I nodded to myself and followed.

«Hey boys, meet Sophie» Jack said to the boys.

«Oh yeh! The girl from yesterday» A boy said

«Yeh she fainted remember!» another boy said and some of the others started to laugh. I looked down at the ground feeling a little embarrassed.

«Yeh, why did you faint?» Jack said looking at me. I looked up at him and over the other boys.

«Eh, I was exhausted and I think I had lost a lot of blood» I said.

«Why did you lose so much blood?» a boy asked.

«I.. eh the shadow dropped me way to high and I landed with my shoulder on a rock and hit my head.» I explained then pointed on my wound on my head and showed them my shoulder that was wrapped up. The boys looked with shocking eyes at my wounds.

«Well we better get going boys» Jack said and they started to take there weapons running out in the woods.

«Were going out hunting, see you later Sophie» Jack said turning around but before he walked away I grabbed his arm and asked for the names on the boys I had just met. He told me their names and I nodded letting him run off. I memorized the names in my head. Thomas, Michael, Steve. Thomas, Michael, Steve. I said over and over on my way to Pan's tent.

Pan's POV

Felix and I went into my tent as fast as I came back to the camp. As he stepped in he saw over at Sophie's bed, I ignored it and walked towards my desk. I turned around and leaned against my desk crossing my arms. Felix looked away from Sophie's place and over at me questionably.

«He's back» I said looking away from him over at Sophie's place.

«No» he said not believing me. I looked over at him again and by the look, he understood that I meant it.

«How, how do you know? How can you be so sure?» he asked confused.

«I saw him»





«Pan, please tell me, I'm your best friend!»

«YEH!» I said a little too loud. I looked down, took a deep breath.

«I was showing Sophie around»

«There's something more» Felix said, I looked at Sophie's bed again. Oh God! Why does Felix have to know me so well.

«She fell into the river and she dragged me with her, we laughed, I laughed. For the first time in ages Felix! I...I had a good time.» I said looking up at him.

«Pan! She is making you weak!»

«NO» I said looking him dead in the eye. I snapped out of it and turned around to my desk I placed my arms on each side of the paper on my desk supporting my body.

«I let my guard down» I confessed.

«Yes» Felix said from behind me.

«Do you know what he wants?»

«No, but I don't think he his staying long» I said still standing over my desk.

Sophie's POV

I walked into the tent only to see Pan standing over his desk with his head down and the blond guy near the opening. The blond guy turned around looking at me angrily, I followed him with my eyes as he walked out of the tent. When he was out I turned around to Pan, still over his desk. I walked slowly up behind him feeling that I had ruined their conversation.

«Sorry Pan» I said as I lifted my hand up to his shoulder but a few centimetres from his shoulder I stopped. I can admit, I was scared of laying it down on his shoulder. I let my hand slowly down till it was beside me again.

«For what?» He said and turned his head looking over his shoulder at me.

«For ruining the conversation between you two» I said, he turned around and leaned against his desk looking at me with his arms crossed.

«The other boys went hunting, soo..» He didn't say anything he was just looking at me still in the same position.

«I don't know how to hunt and..and my arm isn't that good, but..b but I would love to learn.» I said while going around in the tent. He began walking towards me, still looking.

«Are...Are you mad?» I said a little scared. He didn't say anything, he just came closer, he stood right in front of me but not looking at me this time but at my shoulder. He started to push the jacket away and the top down my shoulder. I looked confused at him, and then he looked over at me and into my eyes.

«Should we take a look at it, maybe change the bandage?» He asked, I nodded. He walked over to the desk and I followed. He suddenly took around my waist and lifted me up on the desk. I took off my jacket and my top, only sitting in my sports bra. Yes, it was a little uncomfortable but necessary. He started to take off the old bandage, I flinched and he stopped quickly and looked at me.

«You Okay?» I just nodded and he slowly and carefully continued.

«It looks better» He said with a little smile and with the wave of his hand he held a wet cloth. He started to clean my wound, he was so concentrate all the time. I couldn't take my eyes of off him, his perfect face, gorgeous eyes, that messy brown hair. Everything, I couldn't help it. As he cleaned my wound I flinched once more. He looked up at me and right into my eyes.

«Are you sure it's okay» He said with a worried look.

«Yeh, yeh, it's okay» I said still looking into his eyes with a little smile. He smiled back, then someone came into the tent.

«PAN!» both of us turned to the opening. God dammit, blond guy.

«Felix, what is it?» Pan asked still standing next to me. Felix, that's his name, okay. I looked down at the cloth in Pan's hand. I took it and he quickly turned around to me.

«Just go, I can try myself» I said with a smile. He nodded and walked out of the tent with Felix.

«Come on Sophie, you can do this.» I said to myself and continued to clean the wound. 


It's been long but hope you enjoy this part :)

Luv all of my readers, thank you so so much for reading this shitty story <3 <3 <3 

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