6. Chapter Six - A little fun

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Pan's POV

«Wake up!» I yelled over the new girl that was still asleep. She turned around faster than lightning and her scared/shocking blue eyes found mine. I turned around breaking the eye contact.

«Get dressed, I'll show you quick around before the others awake» I walked over to my desk looking over some paper. I heard her getting out of the bed. I looked over my shoulder and saw her with her back towards me, only in shorts and her bra. I looked away when she took her tank top over her head and down her body. I stood over my desk staring down at it.

«Hey! Watcha doooin?» I heard a voice over my shoulder. I looked over my shoulder and there she was, our noses almost touching.

«Oh eh sorry» She said backing off. I stood up straight and walked towards the tent opening while she grabbed her jacket. We walked out into the camp, everyone was still asleep.

«Well this is the camp»

Sophie's POV

«Well this is the camp» Peter said while I walked out of the tent. I looked around the camp, across the camp from Peter's tent were five smaller tents to the lost boys. Between Peter's and the lost boy's tent was an open place. I the center of it all was a huge campfire that wasn't lit, there were some tree stumps here and there to sit on and some tables to the left for the lost boy's tents. He walked through the camp and into the woods, I followed quietly after him into the dark woods.

«Hey, where are we going?» I asked a short distance behind him, but he didn't answer he just kept going.

«Hey, Peter» I said running to catch up with him, I was about to lay my hand on his shoulder but then out of nowhere he turned around and grabbed my hand. Two dead cold eyes locked with mine.

«No one calls me Peter» I got a little confused, but his grip around my wrist got tighter. It hurt.

«Yeh yeh sorry! Just let me go» I said still looking him in the eyes. They were darker than normal, and it felt like everything around us had been drained for life. He stared intensely at me, till suddenly he let go of my hand and his eye color became normal again. He turned around and continued walking, I followed quietly behind. We came to a little waterfall and a river.

«Here you can wash yourself, if you need to» he said pointing at the water.

«Okay...?»I said a little confused. Was this all he was going to show me?

«Your dirty.... and bloody» he said looking at me while crossing his arms.

«Oh thanks» I said sarcastically, then he pointed at my bare legs and face. I looked down and realized that after what happened yesterday I was pretty dirty. I nodded and took of Sebastian's jacked. I kneeled down to wash my arms when I turned around Pet...Pan was closer than I thought I got scared and slipped. I fell backward, Pan reached his hand out for me to try catch, I grabbed it but it was too late. What I knew next was that I were in the water with a wet Peter Pan on top of me. He sat up and looked around still sitting on my lap in the river.

«Eh hey Pet..Pan» he looked down at me and smirked.

«Get off» I said trying to sit up.

«Oh why?» he said smirking even more while leaning down over me. He had his hands on each side of my head. What the heck was he doing? First, he is all caring with my wounds, then he is like a demon, then this!?

«What are you going to do?» He whispered, his lips almost touching my ear. Chills went down my back.

«Oh, you ain't gonna like it» I said with a smirk when I got a plan. I could feel his smirk grow. Then I kicked his leg so he lost balance and I turned us around so I was on top. We started to laugh and our eyes were again locked. Pan reached towards my cheek and rubbed under my eye.

«All done» he said sitting up making me slide down to his lap.

«Can you fight?» He asked helping me up.

«No, I am more of a nerd»

«Well, let's make you both» He said with a smirk, we were standing in the river.

«Met me at the clearing outside the camp tomorrow and we'll start your training» He said and I smiled, what was it with this kid?

«Aaahhh so this is what you have been doin, Pan. Not very like you» a voice said. Pan turned around and a dark clothed man came towards us at the riverside.

«Pan» I whispered from behind him while I grabbed a little of his shirt. He turned his head a few centimeters when I did it but kept his eyes on the man.

«What do you want?» he said still looking at the man.

«Just wanted to check out the newcomer, it looks like you definitely have. I hope nothing bad happens to.....her» the man said turning his back towards us and starting to walk away. I saw Pan clench his fist. Who was this guy?

«Who was that?» I asked letting go of his shirt.

«No one» He said turning around. He put his hand on my shoulder and a purple rushing wind surrounded us and I couldn't see anything but him, then we were right outside the camp. Did we just teleport? What? Could he do that?

«Whhhaa..» I started to say while looking confused down and around my body. He let go of my shoulder and nodded.

«Yeh» He said out of breath. Was he tired, from teleporting? I walked towards him but he turned around and walked into the camp ignoring my worry. Worry? Was I worried for him? Did I care for him? What? Oh if only Sebastian was here.

 Worry? Was I worried for him? Did I care for him? What? Oh if only Sebastian was here

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