3. Chapter Three - The Shadow

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Sophie heard the door getting locked downstairs and the car starting. She was alone. Her dad on the job and her mother driving Sebastian to school. She got up from the bed and found a backpack. She started to find some clothes. To shorts one dark green the other black. To long pants both black. Different T-shirts and tank tops in different colors. A green hooded cardigan. She found some sports bra and some brown low boots. She went to the bathroom and collected a brush, her toothbrush and a new one, toothpaste (two new tubes), perfume, a green and a black eyeliner, soap, shampoo, and two towels. While rushing around she noticed that she really was badly sick, but she just continued. She found her favorite books in her shelf, (Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland and some books she hasn't read Maze Runner series, The Loneliest girl in the World ) She also found a notebook and a pencil. She packed everything in the big backpack and pushed it under her bed. Then she heard the car outside, she jumped up in her bed and took her book that lay on the nightstand. Her mother came into the room after a little while with some soup and a package.

«How is it going?» Her mom asked with a smile. Sophie put the book down and smiled, taking the soup.

«Okay, not great, but fine» she said with a smile looking over at the package.

«Oh, this is for you, I have to go. Both me and dad are going to work late but we celebrate you guys tomorrow» She said and smiled. Sophie smiled and watched her mom walk out the door. She heard the car, and she was alone again. She opened the package and in it was four beautiful dresses three short and one long. The long was green same as to of the short dresses, and a brown one.

 The long was green same as to of the short dresses, and a brown one

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«Oh, mom

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«Oh, mom. I really hope this was on sale» Sophie said loving. She didn't want her mother to use so much money on her. She folded the dresses nicely and put them in her backpack.

«I should take a shower» she said to herself while finding some dark brown pants a black long-sleeved ¨T-shirt¨ with holes on the shoulder. She found some long brown boots and a green outer jacked from Sebastian's closet. She took the clothes to the bathroom and jumped in the shower. She got out and got dressed. She felt a little better but still sick. She braided her hair and walked out of the bathroom. Then she heard the door downstairs, she quickly looked over at the clock 13:45.

«Shit, Friday! Sebastian is early home!» She ran to the window starting to stress. She bursts the window doors open.

«I BELIEVEEEE....!» She screamed out of the window. Minutes went by while she stared emptily out of the window up at the sky.

«Come on... come ..on» She whispered to herself. Then the door to the room opened.

«SOPHIE WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?» A scared Sebastian screamed to his sister. He walked over to her shutting the window.

«No, stop!»

«Sophie! What is wrong with you!»

«Its going to work! Just wait and see!» she said on her way to open the window again.

«STOP!» Sebastian said and locked a grip around her wrist with his hand. She looked directly into his eyes. He was worried. Did she really turn crazy? He watced her body up and down. He noticed that she had his jacked on but he didn't care. Sebastian snapped out of his thoughts when Sophie tore her hand out of his grip and pushed him away. She sat in the window not looking at him, just at the sky.

«I believe ... I..I.... believe.. believe.. believe!» She said to herself. Sebastian didn't recognize his sister. He sat slowly down on his bed and tears slowly came to his eyes. Was he losing his sister? He held them back, he didn't allow himself to cry. Was she already lost? A few minutes went by with Sebastian looking at his sister.

Then all of a sudden the window bursts up and a cold strong wind came rushing in. Sophie got up from the window and took her backpack on her back with a big smile and hope in her eyes. She went to the window and stretched her arm out. Sebastian was more scared and confused. Then a shadow with red leafless eyes appeared. The shadow took Sophie's hand, and was about to fly away with her but, Sebastian grabbed her foot and held her back.

«Let me go Sebastian!»


«Let me go, I am really lost and I need to get away from here I can't handle this world anymore!» She said with a sad expression on her face. With this he let her go, in shock. This was news for Sebastian. He knew she had been feeling lonely but this, no.

«I Love you sis!» He screamed out the window after her. What was he suppose to do now? What was he going to say to there mom and dad?

He sat slowly down on his bed, thinking of what just happened.

«Oh well, Happy eighteen birthday to me...us!» He said sarcastically and lay down on the bed looking empty up at the ceiling, before closing his eyes hoping this was just a bad dream.

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