5. Chapter Five - I felt Lost

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Pan dumped down in his chair again. Not looking at the girl.

«You okay?» a voice suddenly said he looked quickly towards the girl now sitting up in his bed, he rushed over and looked over her body.

«Are you okay?» the girl said again looking questionably at him. Pan looked up confused.

«I'm not a spy» the girl said looking at Pan, he was even more confused now.

«What?» he asked confused.

«I heard you and the blond guy ...fight..eh talk»

«Oh eh»

«It's okay» she said looking around after a little while of silence she realized she was just in her bra and that her wounds were cleaned and patched up.


«For what?»

«Fixing me» she smiled at him.

«Eh.. could I get some clothes?»

«Why?» Pan said smirking while standing up. She looked skeptical at him, then standing up going towards her backpack that she suddenly realized.

Sophie's POV

I walked over to my backpack when this boy gave me a T-shirt. I looked at him questionably and hinted to my backpack, but he insisted so I took his green T-shirt. I took it over my head and it was a little too big but okay till I got my own clothes.

«Where am I?» I asked the boy hoping I had come where I wanted.

«Nerverland Love» he said turning to me.


«Yeh..» He said a little confused by my excitement. I started to jump around in the tent saying yes yes yes. Then suddenly I felt strong hands on my shoulders. I turned around to see the boy.

«What's your name love?» he asked me smirking looking into my eyes. What was it with this guy?

«Sophie Evergarden, you?» I said still looking into his wonderful green eyes.

«Peter, Peter Pan» he said smirking and my face lighted up, I started to act really weird touching his face and hair. Then suddenly he grabbed my hands hard, he looked me dead in the eye and fear began creeping up on me. I looked at his hands around my wrists, barely seeing him blurry in the background.

«What the hell?» he said letting me go.

«Sorry, I just got overexcited. I mean you are Peter Pan! You're real! And I am finally here!»

«What? Why shouldn't I be real? And did you want to come here?»

«Yeh, I did! I didn't have it so great back home...and in my world your just a fairy-tale so I got a little too excited when you were real. Well, I suppose it's just every girl's dream to meet there favorite fairy-tale character» I said putting some of my hair behind my ear looking down.

«I'm your favorite?» He asked smirking while coming closer. I stopped him by laying my hand on his chest.

«So? Can I stay here or should I go back to the jungle building a hut in the treetops?» I asked a little sassy. He backed off and looked cleverly on me, then he waved a little with his hand and a bed and a little suitcase at the end of the bed like the ones in Harry Potter appeared in the other side of the tent.

«So here I suppose» I said taking my backpack and walked over to the bed.

«What did you pack?» Pan asked coming over to me and sitting down on 'my' bed. I looked up at him when I started unpacking my backpack. First was my books, I put them in a stack next to the suitcase coffin. Then my makeup bag, and then all my new dresses, one by one I pulled them out of my backpack.

«Are you fine by sharing the tent?» He said a little teasingly.

«Yeh, why shouldn't I?» I asked a little confused.

«Well you actually don't know me, and I am a boy... wouldn't you like to have your own tent...not that you get one but..??» he said wondering over my answer.

«And why do you have dresses with you?» he asked holding up the long green one.

«Well, first I have a twin brother that I used to share bedroom with...before I left..» I looked down at the floor thinking of Sebastian. Then I remembered his jacked I stood up in a hurry and began searching the tent.

«Hey what are you doing?»

«The jacked where is it? It was my brothers! It's important to me!» I said rushing around in the tent. Pan walked over to a desk that stood <between our beds, he lifted up some fabric and handed it towards me.

«Thanks» I sad putting Sebastian's jacked on.

«So second I'm used to live with a boy» I continued walking over to my backpack.

«Third I got this dresses from mom..»

«Why?» Pan interrupted. I looked over at him telling that I wasn't finished.

«Because it was me and my brothers birthday today, so since I got them and already was packed I threw them on top as a little memory of my mother's kindness» I said putting my clothes into the coffin.

«How old are you?»

«Just turned 18» I said laying the dresses on top. I put my shoes on the side of the coffin.

«Why did you leave Sophie Evergarden?» Pan asked after a while with a little sad smirk sitting on my bed. I looked up at him then down thinking of how I could putt this.

«Well, I felt lost» I said and looked into his eyes. Those deep green eyes swallowing me, drowning me, taking my breath away. We looked into each other's eyes for a while before he broke the eye contact by looking down.

«It's late, you should get some more sleep. I can show you some of Neverland tomorrow, and a place you can clean yourself» he said standing up. I shoved my backpack under my bed. I stood up and walked after Pan that had his back towards me. I took his hand and he turned around.

«Thanks, Peter» I said smirking letting his hand go and went back to my bed, laying down. Even though I had my back towards him I could tell that he was smirking. Sophie Evergarden becoming the teasing queen just by being her less than one day, I thought to myself.

Pan's POV

No one, calls me Peter. I stood there staring at her laying in her bed, sleeping. A smile appeared on my lips as I turned around and headed towards my bed.

 A smile appeared on my lips as I turned around and headed towards my bed

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