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This could get controversial, so I'm going to say right now that I'm a Christian. I really don't want to see any arguments or harassment in the comments, so if you don't agree with me or anyone else on religion, accept it and move on.

Now the serious bit is out of the way, how do you create a fantasy religion, I hear you ask? Well, there just so happens to be several pins on this exact topic, so I'll post them here, and then tell you in simple terms the principles to keep in mind. Sound good? Let's get into this!

This first pin is quite long, so I'll just post the link to it so you can read it yourself.
I'll be summarising the info on it at the end, so if the link doesn't work for you, it won't matter.

Another pin that links to a website:

And another one:

If you're religious and feel a bit uncomfortable making up a religion, this pin helps a lot. It's based on Christianity, but it could probably be applied to your personal religion as there are some good points to think about:

So, to summarize the overload of links, there are a couple of base questions to think about.

How many higher deities are there?

How does the religion affect everyday life? Education? Politics?

What sort of rituals/festivals/celebrations take place?

How do you become part of the religion?

If there are any more questions that you think I've missed, please comment them below!

Next time, on Your Wonderful Guide to World Building - Education! Learning about what your characters learn and their education system is important, so don't be late for the next chapter, or else, detention!

Next time, on Your Wonderful Guide to World Building - Education! Learning about what your characters learn and their education system is important, so don't be late for the next chapter, or else, detention!

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