Chapter 5

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"Yoongi!" Ace yelled in the hallway. Yoongi slammed his locker and looked in Aces direction. She walked briskly. Her small frame rushing towards him, he smiled at her cuteness. He snapped out of it and changed his expression to his cold one.

Ace came and said "Hey." Yoongi lifted his eyebrows and asked "That's it? That's all you want to say?" Ace was flustered cause actually that's what she wanted to say. But she looked around and said smartly "Uh I was wondering if you want to come to the cafeteria for lunch break with me?" Yoongi pouted and Ace found it adorable. Yoongi thought for a while and said "Alright Let's go." Ace walked ahead of Yoongi who noted her every action, every manner.

They took their food trays and sat close by to the entrance of the cafeteria. Yoongi just drank his packet of milk and left the entire tray while Ace managed to gulp down her entire tray. She looked at Yoongi with her mouth full and spoke "Wha..aer uou nhot yeting?" Yoongi rolled his eyes and said "I'm older than you Atleast use respectable manners in front of me." Ace got embarrassed and chewed her food quickly. Once she swallowed she apologised "Sorry I was asking why aren't you eating... Oppa?" (Older brother in Korean) Yoongi choked on his milk and began coughing. Ace came to his side and patted his back. Once he stopped coughing she asked "Are you okay?" Yoongi nodded. He was amazed, he didn't want to be called Oppa especially by Ace.

The bell rang and ace said "Uh Sorry I've got class I guess we will talk later bye!" She grabbed her bag and coat and left.

Yoongi rolled his eyes in embarrassment and got up to leave but spotted something on Aces Chair. 'She must've left it behind' he thought. He picked her book up and scanned it. He decided that he will return it to her after school . The book was a simple black book more like a diary. He opened it to the first page. He thought it was her subject book. He read the name on the first page in his mind

"Kim Sun Hee"

He was drowning in confusion until he felt a hand on his shoulder, Yoongi turned around and came face to face with Jang, he was the captain of the football team. He was more like a frenemy to Yoongi.

Jang said "What's up!" Yoongi replied "Nothing." Yoongi put Aces book in his bag carefully. Yoongi asked "Want to talk to me for a specific reason?" Jang replied with a grin "You know me well." Yoongi rolled his eyes and said "Then ask what you want quickly." Jang jumped to his question "Dude, I know your not like the lover kinda guy, but your literally on with this Ace chick! I mean how did you get her. You guys seem like you are married already. How much do you care for her ha?."

Yoongi didn't know what emotions ran through him. Anger confusion, all messed up. He didn't know how to react. Yoongi spat "You really think I'm up with a junior. We aren't a thing,I don't care for anyone. Stop spreading bullshit about me."

As Yoongi was about to leave the cafeteria he saw Ace standing a couple feet away from him, by the look in her red teary eyes he assumed she heard everything. Ace stared at him with sorrowful eyes and Yoongi just felt heartbroken for the first time.

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