Chapter 5: Experiments

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NSFW coming your way...

"Bum, you're so sweet and thoughtful. That's what I love about you."


"Yes. They're some of your best qualities." You reached over and brushed his cheek with gentle fingertips, sealing your sincerity in your touch. He closed his eyes with a genuine smile.

As one of your psychological ventures, you started complimenting the sides of Yoon Bum that you wanted to see more of. From your observations thus far, he responded so beautifully to praise and affection, setting off a chain of positive reinforcement on your end. This time you had even managed to coax him into giving you a massage. Not that Bum minded. There was nothing much more enjoyable than hearing you purr and moan in satisfaction beneath his hands. Making you relaxed and cuddly was almost always going to turn out in his favor. If he was lucky, perhaps your touches would linger and he could spend the night in your perfect warm embrace.

However, Bum felt as though something strange was happening lately, something he couldn't explain. It was almost as if... you responded more positively to his natural self than you did to his Sangwoo persona. But that couldn't be, could it? That ridiculous notion was on the borderline of defying the laws of nature. 'Am I just really bad at it?'  He assumed that was probably the reason, as Sangwoo's identity was complimented directly by his dashing visage. Bum knew he was certainly lacking in that department by comparison. But it was more than just the way he carried himself, it was his daily actions too. When he was helplessly compelled to bend to your wishes, you would gift him with a genuine smile or even hugs and kisses; but when he was certain you'd beg for more of his domineering attitude (like on that fateful night), you would fight and even cry. And it was now that Bum began to realize that you were not like him. On a dominance spectrum you were much closer to Sangwoo than him, and for a fleeting moment that fact terrified him. He thought back to those days and realized that if the roles had been reversed, Sangwoo would have never let his captor leave that situation alive.

Bum was at a loss of what to do. So recently, instead of punishing you, he just gave you what you asked for. He even, though reluctantly, heeded your request of allowing you to sleep unchained. The idea of losing you in the middle of the night left him wracked with anxiety... but then this morning something amazing happened...

"AH!" Bum jolted awake to a strange movement beneath the covers. It was a sensation akin to having someone hover over him. He felt two hands grab his hips and he gasped loudly.

"Mmf!" You felt Bum's hand press against your face in fear before he ripped the covers off to look at you. "Sorry. I didn't mean to startle you." You whispered with a smirk. He watched you nervously for a moment as you leered at his lower body with mischievous eyes. Only when you ran a deliberate hand between his thighs did he understand the implications.

"Oh!" His cheeks and ears suddenly burned hot. You took his little yelp of surprise as positive feedback and gazed at him.

"Is someone sensitive this morning?" You grinned playfully, running a finger from the base of his morning wood to the tip, teasing the slit through the fabric. His whole body shuddered.

"F/N..." You leaned forward a bit, running kisses and licks along his chest and stomach, giving plenty of special attention to his nipples. He writhed and ran his fingers through your hair, back arching towards your mouth. Just when he thought this morning couldn't get any better, he felt your hands grip his hips once more, sliding down his boxer-briefs (which he had started wearing because you once offhandedly commented they were sexier than his old attire). "Oh!" His heart stuttered the instant your hot breath met his bare skin. Without warning, you thrust him fully into your mouth, causing an immeasurable wave of pleasure to crash over him. A carnal wail bounced off the walls of the tiny room.

He panted and squirmed in the heat of these newfound affections, seeing an explosion of colors dancing across his vision. If he weren't so utterly convinced he was destined for hell, he would have assumed that he died in his sleep and this was heaven.

"F/N, I love you..." He heaved in air, stringing together a mantra of adoration. "I love you so much!" You replied only with a low hum, sending vibrations resonating along the length of your tongue and driving him wild.

This was the first occurrence of its kind. Granted, the two of you had sexual relations during your time here, but this was the first time you were the one initiating. All things considered, Yoon Bum was generally pretty selfless in the bedroom setting, the one notable exception being the night he tied you up. However, there had not been a repeat offense regarding such things, and Bum was rather easy to accommodate otherwise. He didn't ask for much. He would just humbly request one favor from you while he took care of the... 'hard labor' so to speak.

The desires in question were almost... bizarrely minimalistic. You recalled an evening where he simply wanted to gaze at you during his ministrations. He told you repeatedly how divine your eyes were, how the moonlight should hide in shame in the presence of your radiant beauty. Although the scenario itself struck you as weird, the resulting atmosphere of intimacy was undeniable, and it was the first time during your captivity that you willingly kissed him.

A different time Bum asked you just to hold him close like a lover, nothing more, while he stroked himself. It was such an easy demand that you didn't mind not only obliging, but also participating beyond what was expected of you. You had allowed your hands to wander that night, as you couldn't help but relish in the few moments where you had power over him. Reducing him to a useless blob of affectionate putty was honestly a bit of a guilty pleasure for you. You told yourself it was because you had nothing to fear from him in this state, and that those sunset eyes meant you were safe for a short while. A few aptly placed kisses and your sultry voice in his ear had made quick work of it, and he was more than grateful to you afterwards. He had even made it a point to call you generous.

Then there was another strange night involving a toy he possessed... but you'd rather pretend that one didn't happen...

"Anhhh... Mmmnh!" Yoon Bum was paying no attention to how loud his moans were growing as you swirled and lapped with your tongue. Your hair tickled his skin, heightening his sensitivity and pushing him closer to the edge. Your hot saliva was molten lava, causing his body temperature to skyrocket. It was mere moments from when you began before his orgasm was ripped from his body, sending him careening into luxurious satisfaction with your name on his lips. "Nngh! F/N... I-I'm going to-" You felt a weak trembling hand on your forehead, and you pulled off just before he- "Ohhhhh!" He let out a lustful cry, spilling onto his stomach and oozing into your hand.

"Thanks for warning me." You smirked and moved to hover over him. "You're such a good boy." You rewarded him with a deep kiss, stealing what little breath he had left. As Yoon Bum panted for oxygen, he suddenly understood what Sangwoo had been driving at back when he demanded these acts.

"Not an ice cream bar... got it." He mumbled to the ceiling, body limp and veins singing.


"Nothing..." He peered up at you with half-lidded eyes and smiled. "That was so wonderful." Bum had never been on the receiving end of such a precious gift, but he was certain your prowess was unmatched by all other earth-dwellers. 'She's so generous, so kind. So... talented!' He felt that familiar rush of infatuation fill his heart. There was no way he could possibly pay you back for such an incredible treat; he'd give you the world if he could. He slowly floated back to reality on a blissful cloud and gazed at you lovingly.


"Mm?" He turned his body to face you, stroking your hair and face with tender lithe fingers. Try as he might, he couldn't get his heart to slow down after such a surreal affair.

"Would you do something for me if I asked?"

"You know I would."

"Back... at my house..." You paused, but his expression remained docile. "I have some art supplies..." This was a test, to see how far he was willing to go to appease your wishes. "It's just that sometimes I want something to do while you're gone." He seemed to ponder that for a moment. "Uh- it'll help keep my mind off of how much I miss you." You added for good measure, and Bum's cheeks flushed. 'That's right... butter up the psycho...' "Would you... go get them for me?"

"Of course." He smiled, still bathing in the dazzling afterglow of your love. "I'd do anything for you."

Yoon Bum x Reader: MindfuckeryWhere stories live. Discover now