Chapter 9: Growing

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Yoon Bum couldn't quite pinpoint the exact moment he had decided to stay with Sangwoo, though it was an enigma he'd been pondering more and more lately. When had he decided that love was worth the suffering and ceased his attempts to escape? Had there been one defining instance? Or was it a gradual accumulation of various experiences? Either way, he somehow felt like the day he'd gone to fetch your things was a tremendous breakthrough for the two of you. There was definitely a change in you after that; he could feel it in your touches. They would linger now, as would your kisses. 'Is she aware of it? Does she want something?'  Bum may be taken with you, but he wasn't stupid. He was well aware that you buttered him up sometimes right before you asked for things. Did this realization mean that he wouldn't still indulge your every wish? Of course not. On the contrary, he found your shrewdness quite sexy. You could have withheld affection from him in order to get what you wanted, but you didn't. You instead opted for manipulating him in a much more pleasurable fashion. 'She's so thoughtful, so clever.'  If anything, your astute perception of his behavior and desires made him more pliant. It inspired him to mimic the same level of heedfulness in kind, return the sense of purpose you bestowed upon his life, his most valuable asset.

You couldn't shake this nagging new sense of purpose. It was becoming the bane of your existence. Why was it your duty to fix this broken man? Why did no one before you notice the signs; why did no one else help? How could the world so consistently turn its back on one person? These questions aggravated you, causing you to propel yourself around the kitchen more violently than usual on the rolling chair.

"Ack! Shit!" During your careless venture, a bundle of fabric had caught between your wheels, causing the chair to topple. Upon hearing a crash and thud, Yoon Bum raced into the room to find you on the floor.

"Ah! Are you alright?!" He plopped to his knees and eyed you carefully with concern.

"Yeah. My skirt just got caught." You inspected the damage. "Aw..." The force of the fall had torn through the skirt like a knife, ripping a considerable gash through it. "I'm sorry, Bum. It was an accident."

"Don't be. I'm just glad you didn't hit your head or something." He gently sat you upright. "I'll be right back. I-I can fix it." He left the room and returned with a tiny box and a blanket. "Uhm... here." He covered you with it and opened the little plastic container. Within it laid a pincushion and other recognizable supplies; it was a sewing kit.

"Oh..." You understood and wriggled out of your skirt. It was sweet of him to bring the blanket to preserve your modesty. You handed the damaged item over and he instantly got to work. With more dexterity than you'd ever seen from those trembling hands, he swiftly mended the fabric like a professional.

"I think this'll hold..." He mumbled to himself before handing it back to you.

"Wow!" It was as if the tear had never existed. "That's amazing. I didn't know you could sew."

"Yeah... My uh- grandmother taught me when I was young."

It wasn't until now that you realized you'd never made any sort of effort to learn about this man's past. You knew about your captor's wants, his triggers, even how to control him, but not once had you inquired about his life. Honestly, now you felt kind of... bad about it.

"Heh." You scratched the back of your neck. "Guess you're a better housewife than I am." The intense look you received from him made you instantly regret your words. 'Oh god, I dropped the marriage bomb! Backtrack! Quick!' "Uh... What else are you good at?"

"Not a lot..." He admitted, eyes downcast. "When I was younger I... didn't really have any hobbies." He fiddled with his thumbs shyly. "I only ever... wanted to pursue love..." He was afraid to meet your eyes for fear of seeing judgement in them. "I guess I'm not very ambitious, am I..." For the first time you felt an unexpected swell within your chest, bringing with it a crooked smile. Bum felt a warm hand rest atop his own.

"I think... love is as noble an ambition as anything."


That same mysterious feeling swept through you again that night when he left the softest of goodnight kisses on your forehead.

"Bum?" Your quiet voice rang out as he walked out of the room. 'Don't do it, stupid. You have to save these sorts of things for when he behaves right. If you do it too much, he'll start to expect it.'

"Yes, F/N?" He asked, poking his head back through the doorway. You bit your lip in discontentment, fighting with yourself. Something about your bed felt hollow and empty tonight, and for some reason you felt yourself craving companionship.

"Um..." You glared at the comforter, trying to strengthen your resolve. "Would you..." 'You're weak! So damn weak!' "It's... kinda lonely here sometimes... Do you want to... stay with me?" The vulnerable eyes you peered up at him with absolutely melted Yoon Bum's heart.

"Ah! O-of course!" He jumped at the opportunity, immediately kneeling onto the mattress next to you. "Loneliness is the worst feeling in the world! I would never want you to feel that way."

"Thank you..." 'It's just this once.'  You told yourself. 'This isn't a permanent arrangement or anything...' He brought your hands up to his lips and kissed them and you huffed a sigh of defeat. 'I mean... I guess he's been pretty good recently. I can sorta justify this...'

The raven-haired man laid down on the other side of the bed, careful to not infringe upon your space and have his special invitation revoked.

"You don't... have to be that far away." You pursed your lips, feeling like a needy child pestering to get attention. 'This is normal though.'  Your mind tried to reason. 'I'm only feeling this way because he's keeping me away from other people. I'm deprived because of him.'  You saw Bum shift towards you, sheets making a soft rustle as he did so. He kept his eyes fixed on your face, awaiting your next demand. 'Eh, fuck it.'

"Ah!" Yoon Bum's stomach flipped as you lurched him into your embrace, nuzzling your face into his neck. He mumbled your name softly, a shy blush blooming on his cheeks.

'Just for tonight...'  But your promises to yourself continued to prove immaterial as you snuggled the next few nights away. It was just you and him, who else did you have to reach out to? It's only because you had no other options, you told yourself. Any social person would have trouble staying reserved when there was only one person you had to latch on to.


Yoon Bum's mood was brighter this week than he could recall it ever being. He was smiling more now. He had a stable income, delicious food to eat (thanks to you), and even a wonderful good-natured lover to share his bed with. He wondered if this is what being normal felt like. He practically skipped around the kitchen as he helped you with the chores. You smirked up at his jovial mood, hearing his tenor voice stringing notes together, a tune you recognized.

"Are you humming 'Killing Me Softly'?" You tilted your head at him as he absentmindedly washed the dishes.

"Oh? Uhm, yeah. It gets stuck in my head sometimes..."

"Mm." You chewed your bottom lip thoughtfully. "Bum, I've been wanting to ask you something."

"Huh? What is it?"

"Who's Sangwoo?"

Yoon Bum x Reader: MindfuckeryWhere stories live. Discover now