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Tessa's POV

"THERESA TOMLINSON! You forgot to turn the pool lights off!" My dad yelled at me right as I woke up. "Now I have to drain the entire pool and change the lights? Do you realize how time consuming that is?!" Oh man, I forgot. How could I forget?

I was so distracted by Niall's audacity that I just forgot. "Dad, we've been over this. My name is Tessa White, not that name you said." My dad's face went red with rage at my reply. He yelled something in French that I couldn't understand and left my room. I decided to just leave that to him and got ready.

I was in my regular clothes for summer: shorts, tank top, and converse, since I'll be walking to town. I usually pack a pair of flip flops in my bag; just in case I need them. Then I went down to breakfast.

"Good morning, Tessa," My mom greeted me as soon as I walked into the kitchen.

"Such a good one." I told her, sarcastically. She gave me a look. I sighed, "Fine. Good morning mom." My mom has this thing about us always saying good morning and good night to each other. She says it makes people wake up and go to bed feeling better than they were.

The boys came down rather loudly as I was getting served my pancakes. "BOYS! BOYS!" My mom shouted to get their attention.

"What?!" They shouted back in unison.

"Good morning." Her rueful smile broke through, which caused them to smile as well. My mother's smile could break through a rainy day.

"Good morning, mom." They replied.

"Don't forget about your sister."

"FIne. Good morning, Tessa." Louis, my favourite, said. Jesse just sat down across from me, not saying a word.

"Jesse," my mother said in a warning tone.

He huffed. "Good morning Tessa."

"Good morning to you too, Jesse and Louis." First point of the day goes to me.

While I ate my pancakes my mother asked what I was planning to do today. "Well, I'm going into the town to apply for a job, and then I'll probably be hanging out with Cara and the rest of the group."

"What jobs are you applying for?" She asked me. She looked genuinely interested.

"I'm probably going to apply as a busboy. Or busgirl, whatever you call it. Sort of like a waitress. I'll probably go down to Denarii's. They're usually busy over the summer and need extra help." I told her.

She looked okay with my explanation. "One more thing. Before you go into town, will you take my pie over to our new neighbours? I baked it this morning, but I didn't have time to take it over." I nodded my head and looked calm, but I was freaking out a little bit on the inside. I would probably have to see Niall again. Maybe not. I might see his brother instead.

My mother then turned her investagative questions on my triplets. While my brothers were being attacked by mom, I finished my food and grabbed the pie to take over to Niall's. I called goodbye to my mother and headed out the door.

The town is a twenty-minute walk away, so I decided against taking my bike. First, I went over to our new neighbour's to deliver the pie and my mother's message of warm welcome. I rang the doorbell and patiently waited for someone to answer. There was a car parked in the driveway, so someone was bound to be home.

After a few moments a lady opened the door. She was beautiful. This could be none other than Niall's mother. She had his and Greg's crystal blue eyes. She was startled to find me holding a pie and quickly ushered me in, taking the pie out of my hands.

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