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Tessa’s POV

I walked into Denarii’s with an air of confidence. From my past experiences, they hire people who are confident, not cocky. I walked over to the manager, who was sitting behind the counter in a bar stool. That’s what most of the managers in Nerja do.

“Hi, you’re the manager, right?” I asked her just to make sure.

“Yeah, sweetie. What’s up?” She asked while she put her magazine down.

I put my hands on the counter. “I’m Tessa. I’d like a job here.” I said, actually putting myself out there.

“Have you worked in waitressing before?” She wondered.

“Yeah, I worked here every summer up until three years ago. So I worked here for three summers.” I told her.

“Good, you’re hired.”

“Really? It’s that simple?” I asked quizzically.

“Sure. Your blonde hair and big, blue eyes will be a refresher for this place. You’re young and tan. Most of the employees here are pale or brunette. You’ve got the looks, girl. Hopefully, you’ll attract more people.” She gestured to my hair and other various places.

Then she went to get my uniform: a white V-neck, black bikini, and a black circle skirt. It was a full-on uniform. We used to just have to wear a polo and a pair of jeans. It was cute, but I didn’t know if it would look good on me. I guess they couldn’t have gotten where they were unless they did some upgrades. I didn’t usually wear skirts; I was already thinking this was a bad idea.

She handed the uniform to me; at least everybody else was wearing the same thing. “Here’s your uniform. Your shift is from eleven until four if that’s alright.” When I nodded she continued. “Which means that you start in thirty minutes.” She walked away from me and went back to her magazine.

I put my uniform in my bag, and went to find my group. If they were up by now, they’d most likely be at the boardwalk. I went there first.

“TESSA WHITE! That cannot be you!” I turned around to find the voice. It was none other than Liam, one of my closest friends.

“Liam!” I ran over to him and threw my arms around his neck. I buried my face into the crook of his shoulder and nuzzled, breathing in the familiar scent of Liam.

“Where have you been, Theresa?” He pulled away and held me by the shoulders. I giggled because, for some reason, he is the only one who can call me by my full name.

“For the last three years? I’ll try to name it all. There was school, homework, boring stuff, college visits, and NYU-”

“You got into NYU?” He interrupted me. I nodded my head like a crazy person. I felt so elated. “Wow, that’s amazing Tessa!” HE congratulated me by pulling me into another hug. “I’m so proud of you!” He mussed up my hair. I fake-scowled at him.

“Excuse you sir. I have a job in fifteen minutes. I have to look decent, and that won’t happen if you mess up my hair.”

“Really? You’re not in uniform.” He noticed.

“Well, you wouldn’t wear it all the time either if it were you.” I told him. “Speaking of which, I have to get to said-job. You can come with if you want.”

He nodded. “Let me just get a couple of people from our group first.” He gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek before walking away.

I rushed back to Denarii’s and quickly got dressed. The uniform was so…Ech. Not that it looked bad, but it was a little slutty. Like, major slutty. At least I got a free swimsuit out of it. I threw my hair up in a messy bun before walking out to start my shift.

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