Friendship, Unicorns, Rainbows, and Sparkles!

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Tessa’s POV

Niall and I ended up sleeping until ten in the morning, when my alarm rang out. I jumped out of the bed where I had been sleeping with Niall less than a minute ago. We were just sleeping. Niall got up real slow-like and was still bleary eyed from his slumber. I started pacing his room and worrying about what I was going to do for work. What was I going to wear? Thank God, I always kept my uniform in my locker at Denarii’s.

I started to use my fingers to brush through my mussed hair. Niall got fed up with my pacing and anxiety really quick. “Okay, don’t get your knickers in a twist. Here’s how it’s going to go. I washed your shorts, but your tank top wasn’t capable of saving. You can wear my hoodie. You use whatever you want in my mum’s bathroom and I’ll do your hair. I’ll make breakfast.” Once he was finished we both rushed to get ready.

Niall rushed downstairs to make breakfast, and I grabbed my shorts from his dryer. I took off the tee-shirt he allowed me to use and slipped on my white shorts and pulled his grey hoodie over my head. I went to his mom’s bathroom and borrowed a hair tie from her for when Niall would do my hair. I felt really awkward taking anything from her. I went back to Niall’s room and ran a brush through my hair to make it easier for Niall. The mad thing was, it had a massive knot at the bottom of the back of my head. It was really hard to reach.

I finally got it and looked at the time. It was ten fifteen. I ran downstairs to Niall already dressed in athletic shorts and his own hoodie. He was watching something cook in the toaster. “Niall, whatcha cooking?” I asked and took a seat at the table. He turned around at the sound of my voice.

“I’m making frozen blueberry waffles,” He said then turned around to grab a plate already full of waffles. He placed four onto mine and set the rest on the table. I reached for the syrup and poured it, drowning my breakfast. I dug into my meal whilst Niall waited for the last few waffles to finish toasting. Once they were done, he scarfed them down. Even though he had more than me, he finished before I had even finished my second one.

Since he finished before me, he started on my hair. It was a little difficult whilst I was eating, but he ended up being able to plait it rather well. His quick fingers worked fast and he was done in no time. I finished my breakfast, and then we both went upstairs. He was able to actually brush his teeth, but I was only able to mouthwash. We started to put on our shoes when Niall spoke up.

“Hey, it’s only half ten. We might be able to make it on time.” He said, making the mood lighter. I laughed at him. He was always so carefree and saw the positive side in everything. We ran out the door.

An idea sprang to my mind. “Hey, why don’t we take my car today? It’ll be a little out of place, but I think it’ll be fine for today.” I knew we would be late if we didn’t take it, so I hoped he would agree. I can’t stand being late.

When he nodded, I got in the driver’s seat whilst he got in the passenger’s. I put the keys in the ignition and waited for him to put his seatbelt on. Once that was taken care of, we were off down the road.

“I cleaned your car for you by the way.” He said, out of the blue. It took me a second before I realized the reason he would be cleaning my car.

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